Update a Archives entry?

in Problems & Bugs

Deleted • 29 July 2016 at 1:23 PM

" Alkub eggs are the only egg found in Ark (currently) that makes a sound. If you put your ear up to an Alkub egg and listen very carefully, you can hear the purring sound of the baby Alkub. "
Over the years, there have been many creatures added whose eggs are also said to make noise(Such as the Purita, Meepus, and Paroxy), which makes the Alkub Egg's archives entry seem very outdated, seeing that it says that Alkub eggs are the only eggs with such a property.
Perhaps this should be updated?

2,301 posts


lykhaos117 • 30 July 2016 at 8:30 PM


I agree. Maybe it could be updated to them being the first ones discovered to make a sound?

1,247 posts


Meteoroid • 30 July 2016 at 11:32 PM

This is a great catch! Thank you for pointing it out. The descriptions of older creatures could probably do with some updates, probably, thinking on it...

Anyway, the Alkub's description has now been changed to reflect that it no longer is the only egg that makes a noise. 😊

Deleted • 31 July 2016 at 6:20 AM

Nice, thanks for fixing it up!
