Trouble with ecode

in Help & Questions

93 posts


ajzephyros • 11 February 2017 at 9:04 AM

I am trying to link one of my creatures using the ecode listed on the ecode page. Yet every time I click the name it says Missing Creature. Am I doing something wrong??

1,539 posts


5eggs79 • 11 February 2017 at 3:17 PM


To link or creature, you put [e=creature ID]text[/e]

To find your creature's ID, go to their page, and look at the url at the top of the page. For example, I'll use my avatar, Johnston. When I go to her page, the url says:

1942710 is the id, so it's [e=1942710]

Where it says 'text,' you just put whatever you want, like this:
Johnston the Honk


Another way to link to your creature is [url=]Text[/url]

In this way, you put the entire page url (in Johnston's case it's "") after the =.

Like this

If you change the 'egg' in the url to 'click', then the creature gets a click when somene clicks the link.

Hope that helps. 😊
