Wall: breannabeckner

pjbuzzy • 1 Mar 2014, 9:59 AM

What sorry, could you do the Cirthark and myclover?

pjbuzzy • 1 Mar 2014, 9:58 AM

Could you set it up? (:

pjbuzzy • 1 Mar 2014, 9:55 AM

I'll trade you Queen Neptune for Cynthus the Cirthark 😊

pjbuzzy • 1 Mar 2014, 9:50 AM

I won't "give" You anything. You need to trade for it. And you have to be more specific, I have no idea what you want

pjbuzzy • 1 Mar 2014, 9:46 AM

What do you want for myclover and grenleaf?

budgie • 1 Mar 2014, 9:23 AM

Is there anything in my uft tab you would like for the Ami? I could give them all to you as well as some EC

budderrush • 1 Mar 2014, 5:08 AM

okay... put a lot : tasmas, diabloses or flors.

kittycools • 28 Feb 2014, 7:30 PM

Sorry, no. ☚ī¸ I am interested in your Ami only. 😉

ugena • 28 Feb 2014, 7:10 PM

Don't know where to begin... Bonjour is like hello or Hye! Thanks is merci in french. Salut or au revoir means bye!

ugena • 28 Feb 2014, 6:53 PM

I speak french, and my sis too. C'est pas facile pour ceux qui connaissent pas. It's not easy for those who don't know.

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:51 PM

most go eat, i'll come back. 😉

kittycools • 28 Feb 2014, 6:49 PM

Hi. Is your Ami Up for trade? I can offer an immortal, Full-grown, Canige. 😊

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:48 PM

thank you really much for the keskos. Merci beaucoup pour les keskos. hihihi 😊

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:47 PM

we are talking french. hard to learn, i like better english, even if i'm not perfect. i could learn you some words or phrases.

smitten • 28 Feb 2014, 6:44 PM


pjbuzzy • 28 Feb 2014, 6:44 PM

Is your Ami UFT?

ugena • 28 Feb 2014, 6:31 PM

I can do so.

ugena • 28 Feb 2014, 6:22 PM

Oups! I forgot to sent you the link: Lot #452471

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:21 PM

not really interested in the others.

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:20 PM

i only gave a uft torget for it, he wanted to GIVE it. but since your getting rid of many eggs, i coyuld take the keskos too.

ugena • 28 Feb 2014, 6:18 PM

Here, I give you those creatures for free, but I never received the 'clouds' travel you promised me!

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:13 PM

tell me when you'll make a kesko trade. i'd love to take them i'm making a big pond.

budderrush • 28 Feb 2014, 6:13 PM

Never mind... if I did offer that's a over offer :/

budderrush • 28 Feb 2014, 6:09 PM

Hey...um... What would you like for a flor?

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:07 PM

ii gave a torget for it. keskos and/or soltore will do for me. Lot #452460

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:06 PM

if your getting rid of all your keskos i'll take them but if you want to keep one, i'll take one soltore with the keskos.

ugena • 28 Feb 2014, 6:05 PM

Where is the evolved target I gave to you?

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 6:01 PM


rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 5:57 PM

how many of your keskos and soltore(more keskos than soltores) you don't want?

rashka • 28 Feb 2014, 5:50 PM

are you still trying to get an ami?