To keep Egg Cave safe and fun for everybody, we have created these site guidelines as a more simpler version of our Terms of Service.
Respecting people at Egg Cave means being kind and courteous, not harassing them, and keeping your cool in tense situations. The golden rule at Egg Cave is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Begging or asking for creatures, Egg Coins (EC), CaveCash (CC), or stats is not allowed. Examples of begging include but are not limited to:
Pointless pings are pings that serve no real purpose except to confuse and/or annoy those pinged. These pings are considered spam and are not allowed. Here are some examples of pointless pings.
For example, pinging a newbie to your "Looking for CC/CSP/other rare creatures" topic is just confusing and unfair to the poor newbie.
The following kind of trading is prohibited:
Scammers will be banned immediately. Common scams are:
Posting the following kind of content is prohibited:
Publicly posted Egg Cave messages (i.e. forum posts, profile comments, etc) are restricted to English only. This is not to inconvenience our international players but to ensure that the site remains safe for everybody.
If you have reason to believe that a user is violating any of these guidelines, report them by submitting a ticket. There is no need to conduct a personal investigation, gather evidence, and then submit a report.
You will not be penalized for submitting a false report. If something looks suspicious, hit the "Report" button.
For more information on forum conduct, see our Forum Rules.
Violation of these guidelines may result in warning, suspension, account removal, or permanent ban.
Automated software, botting, and browser extensions that allow you to complete tasks on Egg Cave without being physically present or give you an unfair advantage over other players is not allowed.