Terms of Service

Welcome to our Web site operated by Egg Cave and Bumpwire ("Parent"). We maintain this Web site as a service to its visitors. By using this Web site, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms of use. Please review the following terms carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, you have no right from Egg Cave to view information from or otherwise use this Web site. Failure to use this Web site in accordance with the following terms of use may subject you to severe civil and criminal penalties.


In summary:

  • You must be 13 years of age or have your parents' permission to use this site.
  • All created entities are created by Egg Cave, so do not copy us.
  • We can ban you for any reason at any time. This site is a privilege, not a right.
  • If we ban you, don't try and come back.
  • Visit third-party links at your own risk. We don't control them.
  • We do not copy other sites or their art. If you wish to inquire further about this, Contact Us.
  • A single person can have 1 main account and 3 storage accounts for a total of 4 accounts. You may only visit the Cave and The Mysterious Asteroid from your main account and no others. Accounts must have a single owner; account sharing is not allowed.
  • Don't post inappropriate things or spam on our site. You all know what we mean.
  • Don't annoy other users. Although you may not technically violate any rules, if enough complaints are received about you, you may receive a warning, suspension, or permanent ban.
  • Do not personally attack or attempt to contact users who have blocked you.


You agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Terms of Service ("Agreement") with respect to this Web site (the "Site"). This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between us and you, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations, warranties and understandings with respect to the Site, the content and computer programs provided by or through the Site, and the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended at any time by us from time to time without specific notice to you. The latest Agreement will be posted on the Site, and you should review this Agreement prior to each use of the Site.


All Egg Cave users must be 13 years of age or have their parents' permission to use the Site. Otherwise, the User may not use the Site.


All site designs, text, images, photographs, illustrations, artwork, graphic material, or other copyrightable elements, and the selection and arrangements thereof, and trademarks, service marks and trade names are the property of the Site and its Parent and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, licensors or other respective owners, and are protected, without limitation, pursuant to U.S. and foreign copyright and trademark laws. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you of any such matters or any part of the Site is strictly prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document or other materials viewed through the Site.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Site and its Parent and their respective owners, employees, agents, attorneys and advertisers harmless from any liability, loss, claim or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, related to your use of the Site or violation of this Agreement. In addition, we are not responsible for any computer or electronic damages due to the viewing of the Site.

Denial of Access

Egg Cave, for any reason and at its sole discretion, may decide that any person shall be denied access to any part of the eggcave.com site. You agree to cease and desist immediately from any attempt to access the site upon issuance of a denial. If you do not cease and desist, you hereby consent to an injunction to be entered against you by a court of competent jurisdiction, as provided herein, permanently enjoining you from attempting to access the eggcave.com site.

Third-Party Websites

The Site may now, or hereafter from time to time, contain links to third-party Web sites. We do not control, investigate, monitor or check such Web sites, and we are not responsible for the computer programs available from, content in or opinions expressed at such Web sites, and we do not investigate, monitor or check. We provide such third-party links only as a convenience to visitors of the Site, and the inclusion of a link does not imply approval or endorsement of the linked site by us. If you decide to leave the Site and access any third-party Web site, you do so at your own risk and do not hold the Site and its Parent accountable for the content of and/or any damages caused by third-party Web sites.


All designs, text, images, photographs, illustrations, artwork, graphic material, or other copyrightable elements that resemble similar products is simply coincidence. We do not replicate or extrapolate ideas from other Web sites and pass them off as our own. You forfeit all legal charges of replication and/or peculation by using this Site.

Multiple Accounts

A single person is permitted to have up to 4 total accounts, where one account is the main account and the other three accounts are storage accounts. The following restrictions apply if you choose to create multiple accounts:

  • You may only visit the Cave from your main account
  • You may only visit The Mysterious Asteroid from your main account
  • You may only visit Alkub Racing from your main account
  • You may only visit The Advent Calendar from your main account
  • You may only visit any Quest NPC from your main account

Storage accounts should be used for exactly that: creature storage. Violations of the restrictions above will result in the immediate termination of all accounts involved.

Online Conduct

You hereby agree to refrain from posting any of the following on the Site:

  • "begging" for others' creatures or CaveCash
  • profanity, obscenities ("swear words"), sexual content (express or implied, including inappropriate acts with or by your creatures for "real" or in role play)
  • cybering
  • romance role playing
  • gambling or predominantly violent web sites
  • dating requests or offers for yourself, other people, or your creatures
  • attacks, comments, or opinions about other people or things that slander, defame, threaten, insult or harass another person
  • gangs, gang-slang, or the promotion of gangs
  • chat rooms or links to sites with chat rooms
  • materials created by someone else without their express written permission
  • information that might identify another user (including posting a link to your personal guest book)
  • material regarding political, social, or religious views or opinions
  • links to or advertisements for third party commercial Web sites
  • creature names, account usernames, profile text, or any descriptions or names that would be considered inappropriate under the Agreement
  • "cheats" or "hacks", or information or links to sites claiming to have these
  • requests for user passwords
  • requests for money by using your creature, points or any other Egg Cave property on third party sites or your personal websites (including Ebay)
  • scams of any kind (including requests to users to change their email address)
  • "spamming" (repeatedly posting the same message) or "party boards"
  • anything that suggests it's from a member of the Egg Cave staff
  • trying to test Egg Cave's message filters (or encouraging others to do so)
  • personally attack or attempt to contact with users who have blocked you
  • other information that Egg Cave deems, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate for this site

Creature Begging

You agree to refrain from "creature begging" on Egg Cave. This includes requesting or asking another user for one of his or her eggs or creatures. The following types of questions are disallowed on Egg Cave:

  • Can I have your insert_species_name_here?
  • PLEASE, can I have your insert_species_name_here?
  • Your insert_species_name_here is amazing! Can I have it?
  • I want a insert_species_name_here... you have one! Can I have it?

These are the only types of questions allowed:

  • Is your insert_species_name_here up for trade?
  • Are you willing to trade your insert_species_name_here with me?
  • I am looking for a insert_species_name_here. Is your insert_species_name_here up for trade? What would you like?

And typically, if a creature is up for trade, it will be posted at the Trade Center.

Disturbances of Peace

You hereby grant the Site and its Parent to deny you access to the Site, as deemed necessary by the Site and its Parent, for disturbing the peace of the Egg Cave community. Users are not permitted to unintentionally or intentionally annoy other users. Users may annoy others using tactics that are not explicitly prohibited by these Terms. However, if enough complaints are received about a User, the User may be issued a warning, suspension, or complete denial in an effort to maintain peace within the Egg Cave community.

Cash Shop Park Terms and Conditions

The Cash Shop Park is a virtual shop on Egg Cave that allows users to buy items for real U.S. dollars (or other real-world currencies).

  • We reserve the right to update, discontinue, or change any of the items (and their effects) at any time.
  • We reserve the right to change Cash Shop Park items' prices at any time.
  • By purchasing CaveCash, you give us consent to store data about your Cash Shop Park transaction (we can never see your credit card number).
  • All Cash Shop Park items are property of Egg Cave and cannot be sold for other currencies outside of Egg Cave.
  • No refunds under any circumstances. All sales final.

User Suggestions and Submissions

User suggestions, upon submission, become property of Egg Cave and can be used in whatever way the Site sees fit.


The Site reserves to the right to update the Terms of Service without any prior notice. If the User does not agree with these Terms, the User agrees to leave the site promptly.