possiegal • 27 Sep 2017, 3:44 PM
(one of my faves) and they were released together. (sorry for posting on your wall so much) Have a Great Day!
possiegal • 27 Sep 2017, 3:43 PM
a lot of i'd be happy to trade with you for EC (or maybe a nyankh). The reason i mentioned vanmands was because i noticed you had an aal
possiegal • 27 Sep 2017, 3:42 PM
I have quite a few vanmands on my side (@secretwillow) the creatures there are not normally UFT but if you want something that i have
possiegal • 27 Sep 2017, 3:41 PM
You are correct - but hey that is just how i do it 😉 You have some pretty good creatures for only being on here a month 😊
possiegal • 27 Sep 2017, 12:57 PM
I'm not a mean person
jello • 11 Sep 2017, 11:03 PM
Ey, if you stop bidding, i will give you the aal
jello • 11 Sep 2017, 10:30 PM