Wall: kittykat23

crowvict • 2 Nov 2012, 8:50 PM

Sorry no thank you~

liza200aa • 1 Nov 2012, 10:08 PM

Ah, I remember you! (fed all 😊)

kittykat23 • 1 Nov 2012, 8:39 PM

aww...all my pets died

man-with-no-name • 3 Jul 2012, 1:15 PM

Fed all

kittykat23 • 26 Jun 2012, 7:07 PM

lol in name and gender,i got those suckerlops and i named them,and it matched their gender!also the sunshine thingy

izibizi • 26 Jun 2012, 8:41 AM

Well okay then, but what for?

vanilla • 26 Jun 2012, 8:28 AM

No, because I simply already have one, haha.

izibizi • 26 Jun 2012, 8:26 AM

You just really don't get it, do you? xD But okay, whatever! And no thanks 😊

vanilla • 26 Jun 2012, 8:25 AM

Yeah, I was going to give it to her but she didn't want it. Why? Do you want it? 😊

izibizi • 26 Jun 2012, 8:23 AM

lol? That's what I said, it's a horse. And I only said that cause you had to comment my names and everything xD

vanilla • 26 Jun 2012, 8:20 AM

What do you mean by "lending" creatures and why would you think that? & hi back. 😊

vanilla • 26 Jun 2012, 8:18 AM

No...? o______e

izibizi • 26 Jun 2012, 8:17 AM

Fishy_Snake also isn't a fish or snake, it's a horse 😃

izibizi • 26 Jun 2012, 8:11 AM

Why do you feel the need to tell me what my creatures are? Sorry but it's annoying.
I'll feed yours back now 😉

hope • 25 Jun 2012, 4:51 PM

Fed featured, please feed Ailian 😊

liza200aa • 25 Jun 2012, 7:31 AM

Oh, sorry I did not respond. (my cat wanted to play with me)

man-with-no-name • 25 Jun 2012, 6:46 AM

Fed all of your eggs.

kittykat23 • 25 Jun 2012, 6:33 AM

i know that.it looks like a heart.

liza200aa • 25 Jun 2012, 6:32 AM

fed all 😊 For pokemon how to tell which gender: female pikachu has a slight dent in the end of her tail, and male doesn't.

kittykat23 • 24 Jun 2012, 9:55 PM

Oh man I just got a Kaihon,I love these racoon animals.

kittykat23 • 23 Jun 2012, 3:57 AM

WOW,Twins!Please feed my twin Diablos.They are my only twins on Egg Cave.

kittykat23 • 21 Jun 2012, 9:21 AM

oh my god,my 3rd suckerlop,heres full name,Something_RatherBoring.(ik it's funny,but its my THIRD time!

novrain62 • 15 Jun 2012, 4:14 AM

no other creatures are up for trade, just one that i save for trades and of course ec

glacias • 11 Jun 2012, 2:59 PM

fed all, saw you're new, so I thought I'd help you out a bit 😊 Welcome!