Wall: lukereguba

lukereguba • 13 Dec 2009, 3:10 PM

Are you sure? o:
And, how do you trade pets? XDD

lukereguba • 13 Dec 2009, 3:10 PM

Do you want Shroomed? XD

picklecheesepie • 13 Dec 2009, 3:07 PM

Want my Chimera?

picklecheesepie • 13 Dec 2009, 3:06 PM

I like shroomed. c: Reminds me of an inside joke.

lukereguba • 13 Dec 2009, 2:45 PM


lukereguba • 13 Dec 2009, 2:44 PM

I'm going to change his name... >.>

picklecheesepie • 13 Dec 2009, 2:21 PM

Awww.. Rpats came out as a good one! :c

picklecheesepie • 13 Dec 2009, 11:18 AM

Fed all of yours. 😊

lukereguba • 12 Dec 2009, 9:14 PM

I saw that when I first looked at your profile a while ago. HIL. AR. I. OUS. ;D

picklecheesepie • 12 Dec 2009, 9:12 PM

Oh, and you may like this as much as I did.

picklecheesepie • 12 Dec 2009, 9:11 PM

I'm watching you now. c:

lukereguba • 12 Dec 2009, 9:00 PM

I meant to say my dA's name was Tandrak.
Why did I type Rouder. >.>

lukereguba • 12 Dec 2009, 9:00 PM

I do. |D

picklecheesepie • 12 Dec 2009, 8:59 PM

I know you have a DeviantART! >☚ī¸

bakingpixie • 12 Dec 2009, 8:55 PM

do you need to know anything else? and if you want to know how to evolve your eggs go to the archives,

bakingpixie • 12 Dec 2009, 8:54 PM

yes Guide, feeding pets is how you make EC! yeah, there are no boards, just comment chatting super annoying right?

roarchristina • 12 Dec 2009, 8:43 PM

I think there is ☚ī¸ I keep on going to y'alls pages and its weird haha. But, hey no filters 😃

lukereguba • 12 Dec 2009, 8:20 PM

WAIT. How do you get rid of them? ☚ī¸

lukereguba • 12 Dec 2009, 8:18 PM

Happy now?
I got another one. 😃

bakingpixie • 12 Dec 2009, 8:13 PM

or at least, almost 100 😋 I need to get rid of some, but you can only get rid of 3 eggs per day.

bakingpixie • 12 Dec 2009, 8:12 PM

well I have 100, so there! And its not that confusing to me!

lukereguba • 12 Dec 2009, 8:12 PM

But it seems so confusing to even have ONE. D:

bakingpixie • 12 Dec 2009, 8:10 PM

GUIDE! My buddy! You really should get more eggs you know, you can have up to 100