Wall: surrona

dragonkeeper • 23 Dec 2011, 9:05 AM

Thank you for feeding my list feed all eggs and hachlings 😸

duchess • 23 Dec 2011, 12:57 AM

fed all 😊

qesque • 23 Dec 2011, 12:19 AM

Thanks. Fed 42 including all non-adults for today. =3

glados • 22 Dec 2011, 10:27 AM

Fed first 20, thanks!

inhabitant • 22 Dec 2011, 2:27 AM

I am bad at trading ^-^

frigidrain • 22 Dec 2011, 12:45 AM

Fed all

tumblr • 22 Dec 2011, 12:42 AM

Fed all!

frigidrain • 22 Dec 2011, 12:41 AM

Fed all

qesque • 22 Dec 2011, 12:15 AM

Thanks. Fed 42 including all non-adults for today. =>

dragonkeeper • 21 Dec 2011, 4:54 PM

Thank you for feeding my list feed all eggs and hachlings 😸

deku • 21 Dec 2011, 2:27 PM

I fed back. 😊

glados • 21 Dec 2011, 11:27 AM

Fed all back, thanks!

inhabitant • 21 Dec 2011, 5:51 AM

Now I really wish I used eggcave before XD

angelrah • 20 Dec 2011, 11:38 PM

All Fed! 😃

duchess • 19 Dec 2011, 10:08 PM

Fed all

deku • 19 Dec 2011, 5:33 PM

I fed back. Sorry for the late feedback.

frigidrain • 18 Dec 2011, 5:21 PM

Fed all

qesque • 18 Dec 2011, 3:19 PM

Sorry for my late feedback. Thanks. All fed for today. ^__^

dragonkeeper • 18 Dec 2011, 9:41 AM

Thank you for feeding my list feed all eggs and hachlings feeling a lot better today how are you

inhabitant • 18 Dec 2011, 2:08 AM

OLIMPTS were once in the cave? O_______________O i'm so sad i missed that XD

glados • 17 Dec 2011, 10:47 PM

Fed last 20, thanks! Haha, yeah! (:

frigidrain • 17 Dec 2011, 5:19 PM

Fed all

glados • 17 Dec 2011, 11:43 AM

Fed first 20 again! Oh well! xD

dragonkeeper • 17 Dec 2011, 11:19 AM

Thank you or feeding my list feed all eggs and hachlings Iam feeling a little better today still a little grogy

inhabitant • 17 Dec 2011, 2:41 AM

XD Hello 😃 wow you have olimpts XD

glados • 16 Dec 2011, 10:47 PM

Fed first 20, thanks!

tumblr • 16 Dec 2011, 7:37 PM

Fed 40! Sorry for extremley late response!

dragonkeeper • 16 Dec 2011, 5:07 PM

wassent feeling to good yesterday

dragonkeeper • 16 Dec 2011, 5:07 PM

Thank you for feeding my list feed all eggs and hachlings its okay mine is late too I wassent on yesterday took the day off

deku • 16 Dec 2011, 11:42 AM

I don't mind the late feedback. I do the same. ^ _ ^; I fed back.