Here, we will explain the various availabilities of species.
All creatures are obtainable through trading and auctions. Sometimes retired species are released again multiple times.
One file in the Archives reveals information about the Bearealis. You read carefully to learn about this creature and obtain more knowledge about the mysterious species of Ark.
Available Jan 1 - Jan 31, 2018.
400 kg
1.1 m
Cash Shop Park
Standard 48% male, 48% female, 4% non-binary
#933 of 1119
Adorning the top and bottom of an otherwise smooth eggshell are patches of thick, dense purple fur.
The Bearealis is the smallest of its polar cousins, the Berr and Bomnom, in both height and weight.
An opportunistic predator because of the frigid landscape where they reside, it is not particularly uncommon for a starving Bearealis to infiltrate sleeping herds of Waurolrus in a last-ditch effort to eat. The rich, fatty body of a fully-grown male Waurolrus is able to provide nearly twelve days worth of energy, but the associated risk of injury is often too great for most Bearealis to pursue. Instead, they focus most of their energy towards hunting the much less combative Adiped species.