Here, we will explain the various availabilities of species.
All creatures are obtainable through trading and auctions. Sometimes retired species are released again multiple times.
One file in the Archives reveals information about the Leafzard. You read carefully to learn about this creature and obtain more knowledge about the mysterious species of Ark.
Available Nov 1 - Nov 30, 2020.
0.7 kg
1.2 m
Cash Shop Park
Standard 48% male, 48% female, 4% non-binary
#934 of 1119
Leafzard eggs are often mistaken for average leaves falling from the trees. But they are, in fact, alive and dropped by some of the oldest and biggest trees in Ark's forests.
Leafzards are quick, agile creatures that use their superior camouflage abilities to their advantage. It is difficult to differentiate Leafzards from other leaves, tree bark, or scraps on the forest floor. They use their chameleon-like color changing abilities to hunt prey like bird eggs and small rodents that roam the forest floor.