Here, we will explain the various availabilities of species.
All creatures are obtainable through trading and auctions. Sometimes retired species are released again multiple times.
One file in the Archives reveals information about the Weggy. You read carefully to learn about this creature and obtain more knowledge about the mysterious species of Ark.
Available Apr 17 - Apr 23, 2014.
0.23 kg
0.1 m
Genderless 94% non-binary, 3% male, 3% female
#776 of 1143
The Weggy egg's colors are among the most vibrant and vivid of any egg. When illuminated by the proper lighting, the Weggy egg actually creates a kind of "rainbow effect" near the egg. So if you see a rainbow in the distance, don't automatically assume its because of rain; it could be because of a Weggy egg!
Weggies are truly playful creatures who love to have fun. They pay close attention to their owner's likes and dislikes and often retrieve thoughtful and heartfelt gifts for them. As a result, Weggies make friends easily.
Weggies dominate Easter themes in Ark: Weggy plushies, Weggy pencils, Weggy chocolates, and more!
Sadly, these creatures are very fragile and have a very short lifespan.