Here, we will explain the various availabilities of species.
All creatures are obtainable through trading and auctions. Sometimes retired species are released again multiple times.
One file in the Archives reveals information about the Zekka. You read carefully to learn about this creature and obtain more knowledge about the mysterious species of Ark.
Available Apr 1 - Apr 30, 2021.
6.8 kg
0.8 m
Masculine 85% male, 10% female, 5% non-binary
Northern Plains
#149 of 1119
This egg shimmers in the sunlight and is enveloped in a bouquet of flowers. A little bunny paw print marks the egg; this print is unique and will be the same as the creature that grows inside.
When the Zekka first hatches, they have not yet come into full bloom. It will take many more months before they reach their final adult stage. Once they're an adult, they come into full bloom and can fill a room up with a wide array of scents that range from blackberry, orange, lavender, and rose.
Many high-end fashion lines use Zekka flowers as an ingredient for their perfumes. Removing Zekka flowers does no harm to the creature and they grow back rather quickly which makes it an environmentally-friendly, sustainable ingredient.