Saphy the Battyrus

8 of 10
0% Happy
16 Apr 2010
5,219 +1
2,101 +1
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11/17/12: ADOPTED from @surrona

Liz has to keep a room lighted for whenever it gets dark. Other than that, Saphy likes to go outside and come back as soon as the sun starts setting.

About Battyrus Eggs

This creature is endangered.

The colors of this egg shimmers like gold.

About the Battyrus Creature

Battyrus (pronounced bah-TY-rus) are a unique species of bat. They can only function when it is light out. If there is no light, Battyrus have to hibernate immediately. Otherwise, they'll die. It's as if they draw their source of energy from the sun. Battyrus enjoy being alone and hunting large amounts of insects in the jungles of Ark.