Z2044 the Mirris

1051 of 1,148
100% Happy
1 Jul 2024
15 +6
4 +2
Recent Feeders
Not For Trade.🐾

Hi. I am very happy with my home and do not wish to go anywhere.❤️

If you have stumbled upon me, please don't hesitate to give me some food. I promise I won't bite.😃

About Mirris Eggs

This egg looks like an acorn... but smells like flowers.

About the Mirris Creature

The Scented Squirrel's fur is a soft, silvery-gray canvas upon which a riot of colors blooms. Tiny blossoms of azure blue, poignant purple, and passionate pink adorn every inch of their attire, entwined delicately amidst their whiskers and trailing down their fluffy tail. Each petal seems to shimmer with a faint iridescence, catching the light like tiny prisms that scatter rainbows across the ballroom floor.

Adorned with a mask of the natural world, the Scented Squirrel's eyes sparkle with mischief and curiosity from beneath its floral crown. The mask itself is adorned with tiny seeds and iridescent beads, resembling the intricate patterns found in nature's own designs—a testament to the creature's affinity with the forest.

As the Scented Squirrel flits gracefully through the masked revelers, the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blossoms and the soft rustle of leaves. They move with an agile grace, their steps light and nimble as they navigate the dance floor, weaving effortlessly between couples in swirling silks and brocades.