Itchy the Flover

49 of 107
0% Happy
18 Mar 2011
6,017 +1
525 +1
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Hatched on November 6, 2011

Hi! Are you visiting the St. Patrick's Day House? No? Well, you are now! We are totally "" if you know what I mean. St. Patrick's Day is like the Holy Grail of all Irish holidays. And my house is full of the critters that celebrate this holiday! Which is, of course, great! But you know how St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland? Snakes represent the devil, and personally, I think Clovic is a snake with a demented green fox/cat disguise!

About Flover Eggs

This egg was only given out for St. Patrick's Day of 2011.

About the Flover Creature

A magical glow surrounds Flovers and causes either itchiness or luck. Around St. Patrick's Day in Ark, there are two kinds of people: ones who get the "flitch" (or Flover-caused-itch) or the lucky ones.