FireElement the Fiamma

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24 Jun 2014
16 Feb 2015
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NickName: Fire

It's midnight. You walk through the bracken and brambles forming a wall in front of you. You aren't badly hurt. When you finally open your eyes they immediately flick to a bright light. You have to squint because you have been in the dark for quite a while. When your eyes finally ajust you see a rather bright and beautiful fiamma hoovering over a pile of large boulders, the flames illuminating the surroundings..... As you walk up closer you notice strange scrawlings on the rocks.You are surprised as an elge swoops down landing onto the rocks on the other side. It tilts it's head, it's beautiful golden eyes staring into yours. You feel a little bit safer, elge's and fiammas are usually trustworthy. You're pleased by the heat coming from the fiamma too, since you have been in the forest for quite a while..


About Fiamma Eggs

Fiamma eggs are not actually classified as eggs due to their peculiar structure. They contain no shell, and seem to lack the nutrition that most eggs do. Almost all of the energy that the "egg" is born with is dedicated to keeping the growing creature at extremely hot temperatures. The creature will die if its temperature drops anywhere below 1482.3 degrees Celsius. For this reason, it is not recommended that newborn Fiamas be kept in captivity anywhere outside the Science and Research Center, as protective equipment is first priority when handling such creatures.

About the Fiamma Creature

The Science and Research Center has not yet been able to determine if the Fiamma is tangible when it reaches childhood. Its temperature becomes so high that there are no known materials that can get past the red flames without almost immediately reaching boiling point and vaporizing. It is believed that once a Fiamma reaches childhood, it becomes a spirit and thus cannot be touched outside of temperature changes. Researchers at the SARC believe this information to be false, although they've been unable to come up with any other explanation as to why the Fiamma is able to produce so much heat out of what seems to be nothing. Fiamma do not eat, so their energy seemingly comes from nowhere.

Some Arkians believe that Fiamma are fragments of the sun.