Ianthy the Hulae

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About Hulae Eggs

This egg was only available in Egg Cave's Cash Shop Park for August 2014.

Hulae eggs only appear in warm and humid climates and are found more frequently in the summer. The eggs themselves do not like to be stagnant and left in one place; they like to sway back and forth. In fact, Hulae eggs hatch quicker if they are moved regularly.

About the Hulae Creature

During the summer solstice Hulae travel all across Ark to the southern beaches. Although the Science and Research Center in Ark City does not understand why, they have speculated that the Hulae perform a ritual where they honor the sun, moon, and sea. Some people believe that Hulae do this to ask for a never-ending summer. Despite these rumors, nobody has seen exactly what they do in their ceremony.

The Hulae are also expert craftsmen when it comes to creating things from local flora. Tourists flock to the beaches to watch groups of these creatures weave flowers together into crowns, necklaces, bracelets, and much more. The most mysterious thing about these creations is that the flowers never wilt or seem to age once weaved by a Hulae.