NJ66BK the Soutenue

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100% Happy
2 Dec 2016
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About Soutenue Eggs

What a very sparkly egg. It looks as if the egg was covered in glitter and possibly fairy dust. It sparkles and shines under various lights. The creature inside seems to like music and it can be seen swaying back and forth when music can be heard.

About the Soutenue Creature

Once hatched, the Soutenue turns into a beautiful fairy creature. The sparkles from the egg eventually transfer to the wings of the creature, giving it those sparkly wings when it moves and flies. The biggest ambition of the Soutenue is to dance, hence why they are seen with their shoes and tutu skirts. Many Soutenue can be seen during the holidays putting on shows for the Arkians who come to visit as well as their owners. You will never be bored with a Soutenue in your collection and your house will always have sparkles around it.