SilverBlaze the Calla

158 of 203
100% Happy
4 Aug 2018
27 Aug 2018
21 Aug 2018
24,800 +10
5,008 +3
3,172 +2
Recent Feeders
gift for @Zircon from @fjhfjh
bought from SAR on 8/4/18
immortal on 8/21/18
hatched on 8/27/18
transferred on 8/27/18
travel added on Calla Stable

About Calla Eggs

This egg is, surprisingly, soft to the touch and resembles the texture of a horse's mane. Weird... it's actually... hairy? And occasionally, these eggs will fly away due to their wings. Keep this egg locked down tight if you want it to be hatched in your possession, as the creature inside is only loyal to the first human it lays its eyes on!

About the Calla Creature

Calla are a majestic cross between an eagle and a horse. It's able to soar high to dangerous elevations; elevations where humans would normally die due to the scarcity of oxygen. Not only can it fly and transport humans by air from its eagle heritage, but it packs an extremely dangerous punch with its back hooves if an attack occurred. Calla are loyal only to the first human it lays its sight on.