WaxlightDream the Candacade

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A luring smell makes your eyes mist over, the light from a wax candle fills the room...

About Candacade Eggs

A very potent, otherworldy fragrance wafts from Candacade eggs to instill dread into those unfortunate enough to breathe it in. The chemical composition of this ghostly incense cannot be parsed by current technology and what was once jokingly shrugged off as black magic is now being seriously reconsidered as such.

About the Candacade Creature

The Candacade is a ghostly canine species commonly associated with séances and other such occult practices of communicating with the afterlife. They manifest briefly at the peak intensity of a session to feast on its powerful supernatural energy before hastily retreating back to the Fiery Shadows.

To perform a séance for the explicit purpose of calling forth a Candacade is to commit a paranormal faux pas that will quite literally haunt you for the rest of your life.