Rimas the Tumallo

101 of 142
100% Happy
4 Nov 2023
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168 +3
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About Tumallo Eggs

Tumallo eggs can be found amidst the fallen leaves. They are more likely to be found along in the leaves just off forest paths than anywhere else.

About the Tumallo Creature

These fairies will emerge from Fairyworld during the autumn months. Like many of their brethren Tumallos love to play tricks on other creatures. In particular Tumallos are fond of stealing or otherwise interfering with the harvesting of crops. There are many superstitions about how to keep a Tumallo from messing with your garden, everything from leaving out an offering to placing forks around the perimeter of your garden. Most don't work. Some have even suspected that the Tumallos themselves are behind some of the more outlandish superstitions.

Once winter begins all Tumallos return to Fairyworld with their tales of tricks and bounty of vegetables.