You'll always know when a Bonbati egg is near because it gives off a very strong sweet scent.
People of Ark say that if you put a Bonbati egg under your Christmas tree, the light from the bulbs will help it to hatch. Its scent gets even stronger when it is close to hatching.
The Bonbati is one of the only bat-like creatures known to change their sleep cycle in the month of December. Throughout the rest of the year, they are nocturnal. It's only in December when you can you see these little creatures flying around in broad daylight.
The Bonbati does not fit into the typical "creepy" bat stereotype. Their favorite holiday is Christmas and they are most lively around this time of year. They can often be found flocking to Christmas trees, hanging on their branches resembling Christmas ornaments. Their sweet smelling fur makes it feel like the holidays wherever they may go.
Many people in Ark will keep a Bonbati in their dining room to entice other Arkians to join them for Christmas dinner. Not only do they smell like Christmas treats, but their bright colors are also great for setting the holiday atmosphere; and a Bonbati is always happy to join in on the festivities!