Roars the Chimera

42 of 47
0% Happy
18 Jul 2011
4,349 +1
2,005 +1
Recent Feeders
I am a STAR CREATURE!!! Take that! You NON-star creature! Mwahahahaha!!! *licks your face*

Hatched on 24/10/11
Evolved on 01/11/11
Evolved on 16/11/11
Immortal on 19/03/12

About Chimera Eggs

This creature is endangered.

Hmmm... whatever creature is growing inside must have a mysterious connection to the jungles of Ark! There is such a vine-like pattern on these eggs.

About the Chimera Creature

Chimera patrol the Eastern Jungle and have a inseparable bond to the jungle. Not just any jungle, but the Eastern Jungle! It's almost as if, when a Chimera is outside of the jungle, it doesn't function properly. The Science and Research Center in Ark City theorizes that Chimera eggs appear in the Egg Cave because people steal them from the Eastern Jungle while they're harvesting elderberries, and then bring them to the Egg Cave. Chimera have fiery eyes and a feisty personality; they aren't nearly as gentle as an Alkub.