Froggi_Face the Ribbert

49 of 213
100% Happy
30 Jul 2011
4,001 +1
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Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen

About Ribbert Eggs

This egg was only available in Egg Cave's Cash Shop Park for July 2011.

About the Ribbert Creature

Ribbert are a very friendly and non-threatening species of frog that are frequently found in southwestern Ark, particularly by the tributaries and rivers. They can only survive in freshwater and do not go near the ocean, so plan for someone to care for your Ribbert if you're taking a trip to the beach.

Ribbert also have the remarkable ability to make canary-like songs completely within musical time (so it does not sound disjoint or abrasive). Their songs are soothing and relaxing but do contain a lot of emotion and musical movement. The Science and Research Center in Ark City is currently researching whether or not Ribbert songs may be a form of advanced animal communication.