Brane the Bragon

18 of 204
0% Happy
21 Jul 2011
80,363 +1
2,589 +1
Recent Feeders

Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen
From @chloekins' giveaway; thank you. ❤️

2555 views [X]
Immortal [X]
FRIENDS (no particular order)

@chapus2009: My amazing virtual sistah.
@luv: My fabulous forum shadow and partner.
@phoenixfox: I will always be there.
@snow_angel618: I treasure every sock you've thrown and every flail you've flailed.
@inhabitant: Don't stop raining.
I love you all; thank you. ❤️

Other friends who have changed my life.

About Bragon Eggs

This egg is only available in Egg Cave's Cash Shop Park.

About the Bragon Creature

Bragons are the latest genetic engineering achievement of the Science and Research Center in Ark City. Bragons are no natural creature of Ark; they are entirely synthetic. They were engineered to be quiet and not attract attention to themselves but be unique and interesting to observe. The Science and Research Center released a limited number of Bragons to commemorate Egg Cave's 1-year anniversary.