smilies • 26 Dec 2010, 11:12 PM

Hey what's going on about the prizes for your plot? O_o I'm 6th so do I get to chose when? O_o

kristalpup • 26 Dec 2010, 6:39 PM

Fed all :]

lizardfeather • 26 Dec 2010, 3:04 PM

Fed all! ^^

cubexline • 26 Dec 2010, 12:33 PM

fed all :]

meg • 26 Dec 2010, 9:43 AM

Hello, your onnie where did you get him? because klemicat's is missing and the link on this profile conects to your onnie?

furfur • 26 Dec 2010, 2:25 AM

The only way i would trade my doovoo is if you offered a onny and gobbler, its alot i know but i do love my doovoo...

vanilla • 26 Dec 2010, 2:17 AM

Hello there Zac!😃 Is it possible if i coud be a Staff as well? 😃 I can help you with Riddles and puzzles. 😸

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 8:39 PM

oh ok(dang it) lol unchanga's are too ugly for me 😱 know anyone who wants one?

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 8:16 PM

want a unchanga as a prize for your plot thing

darcy_vasquez • 25 Dec 2010, 7:57 PM

Can u trade me any of your gobblers??

misospicy • 25 Dec 2010, 6:37 PM

Hey Zac. I would like to donate Bada if u need it.

lizardfeather • 25 Dec 2010, 6:18 PM

Hi I was wondering for the Pundubu puzzle on your plot, is it letters or numbers? I got locked trying >.<

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 6:06 PM

oh ok o.o

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 6:04 PM

what did you trade for your onny's?

laura • 25 Dec 2010, 5:14 PM

If you ever trade Brownil, what do you like for him? 😸 I just want to know 😃

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 5:01 PM

ok offered back hiro :]

mich • 25 Dec 2010, 4:57 PM

your egg viewer not work by me

whateva • 25 Dec 2010, 4:41 PM

Ok. Thanks anyway😊

gagamonster15 • 25 Dec 2010, 4:21 PM

Any of your gobblers UFT? ☹️

ptheq • 25 Dec 2010, 4:15 PM

could you get me a berr, guinstar, and snolo for 1 of my pets?

whateva • 25 Dec 2010, 4:00 PM

Wow how many gobblers! Is any of them UFT?😊

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 3:31 PM

offered again lol ill make the trade when im done and you just offer on it when you are

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 3:29 PM

hold on sorry for withdrawing im looking at which looks best on the sleigh

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 3:23 PM

ok :]

cubexline • 25 Dec 2010, 3:19 PM

i guess you dont want the fariyworld travel now o.o

darcy_vasquez • 25 Dec 2010, 3:17 PM

Ur welcome! Merry Christmas to you too!

darcy_vasquez • 25 Dec 2010, 2:59 PM

Sorry,☹️ I had to go to my grandmothers house☹️

love23bug • 25 Dec 2010, 2:57 PM

What would you like for your Guinstar?

magician1574 • 25 Dec 2010, 2:34 PM

can u help me getta having trouble☹️if u would happen to trade on wat would u like?

candy_girl_1298 • 25 Dec 2010, 2:02 PM

hi. do u know around when chapter 2 will come out? and Merry Xmas to u!!!! cool constantimople hatched 😉