brunosc • 22 Apr 2020, 9:35 AM

Indeed it would 😋

brunosc • 22 Apr 2020, 7:37 AM

Yeah, I do love trading xD One of my favourite things on EC 😊 Plus, ravena is not black

lilacthedemon • 22 Apr 2020, 5:15 AM

Fed all your creatures 😊

surgeon • 22 Apr 2020, 12:24 AM

Fed all for ya ! and aww thanks for the compliment, I get the names from my med textbooks haha

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 11:08 PM

I totally agree ~ and Thank you, that should be great, this is so kind of you! But I think I'll be on, so don't worry about it ♥

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 10:31 PM

Indeed, it's perfect! c:
Ow, you'll read some tomorrow, or.. I think so! I can plan things to do daily but most of the times everything changes x)
Ahh, thanks c': even if I probably won't get it anyway x)

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 10:08 PM

Also oh my gosh, sorry, I realized just after it was you bidding for the Vaccin! I didn't mean to outbid you c':

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 10:01 PM

Ahhh, Less is back! I love this creature being representative of your profile! Fits perfectly, I don't know why x) and thank you again, you are too c:
Great! I was thinking about hints' structure, but I also still need to put my ideas into words c: I'll read from you tomorrow!

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 9:45 PM

Thanks a billion ~ it's amazing to discuss things with you! ♡

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 8:43 PM

ugh i can't start now either way bc i have this final paper to write about bugs and fire. i had my last non-exam class of college today and it was literally traumatizing i'll dm you about it bc i'm shook. in no mindset to do anything now except eat chobani

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 8:14 PM

yes i also feel that. i feel a lil defeated after not getting what i wanted The First Time so like i don't really want to try again lmaooo

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 7:39 PM

yes dude i feel that. im so unwilling to spend my money so i just fail quests all the time

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 6:26 PM

- to accept the fact we can't save everyone, we can't save the whole world; but we can always believe in the power of the individual and do our best during our lives. Then, hope our will can be inherited c:

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 6:24 PM

- things the right way, or just to face them. Everything requires a certain degree of mental energy, which we usually prefer not to resort. You are a very sensitive and empathetic person and it's reasonable you have that constant feeling.
Unfortunately, sometimes we just need -

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 6:21 PM

dddddang lmfao this name is so relatable my palms were sweating mucho. bliz is cool tho i'd say thats the 2nd best option from that pool. wow dude you did more quests in a few days than i did over like 4 months

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 6:19 PM

And your example, in my opinion and way to perceive things, cannot be related to "apathy"; it's more a defense mechanism, when we don't "want to know/hear/see something" which can bring pain or anxiety, terrible or unwanted thoughts. Sometimes it's just too difficult to face -

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 6:17 PM

I'm happy you appreciated, this is the same for me; thanks for your answers, and for having thought on my words!
First, I hope your prof. is well, but don't worry, you'll have news soon, for sure ^^
And yep, I think also apathy has its constructive aspect, in its Stoic meaning

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:49 PM

Oh my goodness, sorry about thaaat :c I got carried away!

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:44 PM

- better understanding what we'd like to be, but most of all what we fear we can become, for every aspect we're not able to bear in others, also lies in us.

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:42 PM

- we can totally define "good" or "bad"; no one we can label "sane" or "insane"; but we can talk about what "functions" in terms of "order" and "intelligibility", or "disorder" and "unintelligibility". Every behaviour deserve to be analyzed, but I know that categorize helps -

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:35 PM

- unconsciousness can be associated and provoked by everything, as well as every "evil" thing you can consider such. Every aspect of life, with its emotional and cognitive feature, oscillates between functional and dysfunctional ways to express itself. There is nothing -

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:32 PM

- it can be compared with the dysfunctional thoughtlessness we're talking about, which kills awareness.
Apathy it's something that's more articulated, a very complex construct, difficult to understand or, for many, to bear. But you should think about that: -

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:26 PM

- all make mistakes. And it's difficult to reflect so much before every single action. We need some "automatic processes"; instead, we'd be dead in a day x) it's up to us all understand and discriminate between certain behaviours and others.
As for apathy, I don't believe -

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:24 PM

I'm glad you love that ~ ♡ I agree, she will never be forgotten.
Your professor was right; and well, the thing is most of the time people need to act driven by their personal cost-benefit concept. Not always impulsiveness, nor disregard for consequences. I think we -

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 5:19 PM

My day's been quite relaxing, what about yours? ~
We think the same thing; ignorance it's like a terrible beast, related to a stillness which can't live with the dynamism which characterizes our mind.

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 5:19 PM

wait are you serious? or trying to get foo lol. you better not be serious about vitta omg i can give you like 4 vittas for free please lmk

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 5:03 PM

whoa holy heck you've been grinding those quests wow

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 4:30 PM

Referring to yesterday chat:

"No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks."

~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

mirime • 21 Apr 2020, 3:35 PM

Thank you for the kind words ~ ♡
And I agree; it should be our duty to always spread knowledge and push everyone to meditation!

nut • 21 Apr 2020, 10:53 AM