mirime • 20 Apr 2020, 5:54 PM

- As for the status... not just to justify, but to give a deep meaning to their action.
Uhm, I don't think it can be defined as "evil"; it's a very complex topic. We can just say a certain kind of "violence" can be legitimated, in the name of a ruled concept of "order"; your -

mirime • 20 Apr 2020, 5:36 PM

Hey, good evening! c: my day's been super busy, and yep: I spent a lot of time cooking, I always found it funny (made meatballs for dinner, in particular **); now I'm just relaxing! What about yours? Ahh, you're also making something good, I love banana bread! c: -

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 5:32 PM

i really hate that i made that i am so sorry

mirime • 20 Apr 2020, 6:59 AM

Good to know! Hope we can have a talk about these things asap ~
Have a good day! ♡

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 2:17 AM

lol do u remember that drawing i made of you and larry in ms paint. i will find it first thing tomorrow

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 2:16 AM

bro excuse me i am the least past this need i remind you i am still dating a swb

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:41 AM

recently i found my journals from like 2010 and let me tell you i had entire lists of white boys that i had crushes on, ranked. with the occasional korean boy or jack. you know what we had to go through these phases to get to today. its ok

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:41 AM

dude i liked erik so much that i DREW HIM. i’m clenching my teeth so hard rn. he still watches my snap stories. and hes coming to umich for something in the fall, i saw an acceptance letter and i messaged him like “hey wow congrats!” and all he said back was “thanks”

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:35 AM

i forgot about cry!! honestly if hes not a capitalist sellout like pewdiepie i’d be down to watch. its like tv but more chaotic

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:34 AM

idk prob thomas or erik or some other ugly tall white boy. why was i like that. why am i still like that tbh

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:29 AM

RIGHT. ugh and i'm prob biased because all i want to see is bad stuff about usa. but it DO be kinda bad

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:23 AM

and in like march 2013 when my status was "who needs feelings anyway" WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?? HUH?? HUH?????

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:23 AM

i keep having flashbacks from the wayback machine like when i said "I love horseback riding, and Pewdiepie, aka Felix Kjellberg xD ❤️"

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:21 AM

well tbh its more like shes fighting the aunties on wechat. like every day she argues w people who are praising china and such. and like it's so useless dude what is the point. she makes herself so upset over it and im like mom open ur eyes our country trash too

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:15 AM

oo ok ok. i was trying to think of how i could put 2 pieces of bread in 1 bread slot. but that works im gonna do it tomorrow for brekky. thanks for hot tip

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:14 AM


nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:07 AM

is a toasted pbj like peanut butter and jelly spread on toasted bread or a pbj on normal bread shoved in the toaster?

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:07 AM

and you know what, culture isn't real. this person spitting facts

nut • 20 Apr 2020, 12:04 AM

bruh wechat university has me messed up. my mom is suddenly an expert in EVERYTHING. good god. also all she does is criticize china every day and it's lowkey worrying because she basically thinks trump's response is "better in comparison"

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 11:55 PM

yo thats really cool! wow and the pinyin really took me back. i still remember that time you called your mom and was like "gucci de ma ma lai pick wo men up"

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 11:53 PM

OH WOW. i havent had mash potato in a hot sec. all i know here is rice and peanut butter jelly. mash potato with chili pepper sounds POPPIN

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 11:50 PM

you volunteer for a school? bro how much stuff do you do omg. also that sounds terrible lol what do you have to do there?

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 11:46 PM

umm idk ever since entering college i haven't really seen children, not gonna lie. kind of forgot what they're like

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 11:38 PM

lol yeah children are highkey the worst. but i cannot stop reading. and also can i buy the name dabs off of you it's about to be 4/20 babey

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 11:32 PM

ugh i read the volumes out of order and now i am mucho confused but also i really appreciate how monkeylike some of these characters are drawn lmao

mirime • 19 Apr 2020, 10:27 PM

Thanks to you! ♥ I'm so happy you're interested in them! Let me know if you'd like to talk about this and other related topics, I'm always glad to discuss things c:

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 10:21 PM

lol yeah everyone is shouting all the time and they have crazy pained facial expressions lol but its doing a great job at stressing me out

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 10:14 PM

yo this is intense....im stressed

nut • 19 Apr 2020, 10:01 PM

........ http://www.mangatown.com/manga/drifting_classroom/v01/c002/16.html

mirime • 19 Apr 2020, 10:00 PM

So it is! And anytime, it's a pleasure ~ ♡ ah, if you're interested, my [Disorders] List has been updated c: