Wall: awesomeness365

spirithawk • 5 Nov 2012, 8:08 PM

Kay. 😸 MWAHAHA! 😈

spirithawk • 5 Nov 2012, 6:28 PM

*coughs* *takes a screenie of my Cove and shows it to you* IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL YOU WILL BE BLINDED ANY SECOND NOW. >8D

spirithawk • 5 Nov 2012, 6:25 PM

Thank you, it really does mean a lo- D8< *grabs a random Garguaith's pricker and starts chasing you*

fuzzykins412 • 2 Nov 2012, 5:41 PM


spirithawk • 2 Nov 2012, 5:16 PM

RAWR. D8< *bites your hand off* 😸

chapus • 2 Nov 2012, 2:11 PM

*All me Puffups come flying after you with Zerum on -PuffyFluffy-'s back* Zerum: MUAHAHAHA. >8{D

honklover62 • 2 Nov 2012, 5:57 AM

fed all the honks 😊

honklover62 • 2 Nov 2012, 5:56 AM

can you hold on to them for a while longer? I have enough right now & want to get some immortal & moved to storage before I take on

newlife • 1 Nov 2012, 10:24 PM


pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:52 PM

I used to play violin and piano! I'm gonna re-teach myself piano! 8D

fuzzykins412 • 1 Nov 2012, 9:52 PM

πŸ˜ƒ *prods*

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:45 PM

xD I actually know HOW to play clarinet. c: This idiot knows something! It's a miracle! 8'D

chapus • 1 Nov 2012, 9:43 PM

Awesome used pepper spray on massive hoard! It's has no effect! D: RUN AWESOMENESS RUN!

spirithawk • 1 Nov 2012, 9:43 PM

I'm so tired. 9_9 I'm going to go to bed. Good night. 😸

spirithawk • 1 Nov 2012, 9:41 PM

*starts catching the food with my mouth* NOM NOM. 😈

chapus • 1 Nov 2012, 9:38 PM

Zerum: *starts running after you* All my hatched creatures able to move: *start running after you*

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:35 PM

*plays clarinet*

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:24 PM

*stomps around in the gloves* 8D

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:22 PM


pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:20 PM

Whoa... O: That's a LOT of digits. xD *tries to high-eleven*

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:15 PM

Oh my gog, that's genius. *pokes you with a high-one*

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:12 PM

Neh... You're right, it doesn't seem right. High-six? No, I don't have that many. o3o

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:07 PM

*high-fours you* I am a strange alien to this world. I have only four fingers on each hand. c: No. xD *high-five* >8D

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 9:04 PM

Lol, we shall be epic together! >8D Along with a couple of my other friends, too. 😸 There are only a handful of epic people here.

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 8:59 PM

I honestly haven't a clue. xD You know, your username fits you. (: You are rather, Awesomeness. Just like all my other friends. 8D

chapus • 1 Nov 2012, 8:57 PM

Zerum: >:[

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 8:56 PM

Actually, more like .05. xD

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 8:53 PM

Like... 2,000,000!

chapus • 1 Nov 2012, 8:52 PM

Zerum: MUAHAHAHA! I HAVE GAZILLIONS OF MUSTACHES! 😈 *puts on another one*

pebblestar-nightclan • 1 Nov 2012, 8:51 PM

LIKE. 200!