Wall: dionaea

magenta • 28 May 2012, 6:36 AM

Hello! 😸 Is one of your Florns UFT In @cruella ??

spiritwolf3 • 27 May 2012, 5:29 PM

May I ask if one of your nyms are UFT? I have 250 CC to offer and a good amount of EC..if you want one of my creatures too that fine 😸

jupiter_hollow • 25 May 2012, 7:24 AM

Fed all. 😊 Could you please feed my two Mo's and Orphaned 😊

jupiter_hollow • 23 May 2012, 4:08 AM

Fed all. =3 Please feed @noel_89

serpentslide • 22 May 2012, 4:21 PM

i also wrote that on cruella account

serpentslide • 22 May 2012, 4:18 PM

are your whoons uft?

lillia • 22 May 2012, 1:16 AM

that one of the girl looks like you! xD
i told them tht i have a friend from neth online that im so close with ❀️

lillia • 22 May 2012, 1:14 AM

fed your list, how are u? long time no chat >.< was working for teh weekends, i met few girls from your country and i was surprised to

mewlynnmagic • 21 May 2012, 6:18 PM

Is your Mo UFT?

jupiter_hollow • 20 May 2012, 12:57 PM

Fed all, please feed @noel_89

carter • 20 May 2012, 9:27 AM

Fed 20 sorry for late feeds.

jupiter_hollow • 20 May 2012, 8:50 AM

Sorry for asking but is your Nym up for trade? :/ Sorry for the bother.

ladynite • 19 May 2012, 4:02 PM

Fed feed list for today btw πŸ˜‰

ladynite • 19 May 2012, 4:01 PM

Hehehe yep sure did! ;D

kollais • 18 May 2012, 6:29 AM

I like first stage Guinstar too) Ok, thanks for the answer.

kollais • 17 May 2012, 3:47 PM

Sorry, I don't have it. Anything else?

jupiter_hollow • 17 May 2012, 3:46 PM

You want to trade Balrogipuwets?

lillia • 17 May 2012, 3:23 PM

fed listed today❀️

jupiter_hollow • 17 May 2012, 2:32 PM

Which stage? I'm only willing to pay for a first stage or Egg and they must not be frozen. :/

jupiter_hollow • 17 May 2012, 2:08 PM

Is your Balrogipuwet egg UFT? I would DIE for it!!! πŸ˜ƒ I'm willing to pay in CC.

kollais • 17 May 2012, 12:50 AM

Excuse for asking, but is your non-frozen Guinstar UFT?

carter • 16 May 2012, 8:28 PM

Fed Feat. 😸

snow_angel618 • 16 May 2012, 7:35 PM

Hi 😊 are any of your solis, yuki, rie, or nyms uft? I can offer 500 cc for a solis or yuki or rie, and 1000 cc for a Nym 😊

lillia • 15 May 2012, 11:03 PM

fed ur immortalizing again xD slow but wifi FTW !

savy839 • 15 May 2012, 11:32 AM

Fed all~ C:

lillia • 15 May 2012, 8:20 AM

sure i will ^w^ fed immortalizing for today! today is double feeding day xD

carter • 14 May 2012, 4:11 PM

Fed Feat. 😊 Feed back?

lillia • 14 May 2012, 4:04 AM

i got the ranfil today xD *so happy* i traded 2 starry common, brownil, ambrie and 50k D8 i dint know i would get it!!!

lillia • 14 May 2012, 4:03 AM

celeste introed me a site where i can create the pet site for free, im practicing there xD if i finish, join mine ok? XD

lillia • 14 May 2012, 4:02 AM

i got inspired by all the ideas and the adoptable sites, i wish i can make the pet site like this too! xD im trying to make something atm