
I only have one child to take care of, how hard can it be? 28 May 2018, 3:58 PM

3 September 2016
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im gonna speak salaslyke now, just ask for a
translation X3
ABANDONED: creature Roleplay!


Join in!

Dead creatures that are worth something:
Qamarat-Nov 15
Mefisto-Oct 7
Iramae-Sep 6
Tamsi-Sep 30
Iramae-Oct 3

Just a little sum thin to show im good at RP

THE sky was dark, clouds were grim, and the forest was silent. Mord the Nulli was cruel, and filled with hatred, and most of all, hated Cloverlis. Mord was abandoned for attacking the creatures in his former cove, now he was dropped of at a dark forest but soon it came to a grassland with a lake in the middle, there were few creatures including a Neebu, Kujak, Skrulline, Aska, Trisk, Agi, and.. a Cloverli.. his anger only grew when he saw this retched creature.. he despises them..
wishes they naver came to ark. He was jealous.. so one day he crept closer to and closer towards where the Cloverli called home.. and when he was just at the entrance of the cave, the Cloverli attacked, clawing his muzzle and crunching down on his paw, Mord panicked and threw him into the lake and ran, ran deep into the forest, heart racing, he found shelter in a cave under a huge uprooted pine tree. He was safe..

THE next hour, Mord was restless.. and feeling hungery, so he padded into the forest, he soon scented rabbit and followed it, but then he scented blood.. and the Cloverli! he launched him self into a tree and gazed down to see the Cloverli with a freshly caught rabbit in his jaws, he growled and pounced on him, hooking his claws into its back, he sank his fangs into its back trying to find the spine and get it done and over with, but the Cloverli rolled on its back crushing him, he let go amazed at its weight, the Cloverli ran, he slowly got up stunned but soon followed, he rushed out of the forest, the Cloverli seemed to be waiting for him, He launched onto the Cloverli, sending him to the ground, he used all of his weight to pin the cloverli down, Instantly he sank his fangs into its neck, the taste of blood flooded his mouth, he felt like he was drowning in its blood, he was about to let go until the Cloverli clawed his eye out, he lept off and grasped his face, "you'll pay for that!" he Roared, then he ramed into the Cloverli, knocking him to his side, his eye was filled with rage and hate, he dug at the Cloverlis belly, scoring his claws down, blood stained the grass, a glowing gold and emerald light arose from the Cloverli and shot the the sky, he was dead. The Cloverli was dead.. he smiled then ran back to his underground cave. "They will respect me now. Im not a force to be reckoned with.."


thursdays_dove • 13 Nov 2016, 9:30 AM

Hi there! I saw your lots in the TC. May I take any Niphas, Masers, Keskos, and Mackatrons off your hands? 😊

discord • 13 Nov 2016, 8:23 AM

Shall Salaslykeians Skal Skool!!!

discord • 2 Oct 2016, 12:27 PM

----Keeping all posts that agree that Salaslykeians Rule! -----

discord • 29 Sep 2016, 10:41 PM

Salaslykeians shall rule! ❤️