Wall: evolutary

bliss • 30 Mar 2014, 5:59 PM

FL All Fed 😊

kampos • 27 Mar 2014, 8:19 AM

Hello there, feeding this morning! 😸

bliss • 25 Mar 2014, 4:57 PM

FL All Fed 😊

dragon_collector • 25 Mar 2014, 5:14 AM

What for Pundubu?

dancer • 25 Mar 2014, 4:34 AM

Fed your feed list, have a lovely day! c: ❤️

bliss • 24 Mar 2014, 2:43 AM

FL, Adopted & Transfer list all fed 😊

ugena • 23 Mar 2014, 1:05 AM

Fed the feed list. 😊

homura_nyan • 23 Mar 2014, 12:32 AM

thank you! fed creatures in the feed list tab 😃 ❤️

bliss • 22 Mar 2014, 7:04 PM

All lists except Immortals fed 😊

bliss • 21 Mar 2014, 10:26 PM

FL All Fed ❤️

raitonchidori • 21 Mar 2014, 9:32 AM

Tanks, I'll feed all back now 😊

atropin92 • 20 Mar 2014, 5:21 PM

Fed your Feed list 😊

bee-dancer123 • 20 Mar 2014, 3:47 PM

Fed all, have a nice day 😊

ugena • 17 Mar 2014, 3:31 PM

Fed all with twice bonus. 😊

takochu • 17 Mar 2014, 11:13 AM

What for krah or pubundu?

laitha • 17 Mar 2014, 11:05 AM

fed list 😊

mrsgiggles • 17 Mar 2014, 2:00 AM

Here to feed your list!

bash_extras • 16 Mar 2014, 3:38 PM

Absolutely; take great care of him for me!

dream-within-a-dream • 16 Mar 2014, 2:57 PM

I don't think that would be fair... ☹️ and nothing on your side interests me either... ☹️ So sorry and good luck! 😊

pjbuzzy • 16 Mar 2014, 10:49 AM

Yeah sorry, I don't see anything on @passion that interests me :c Sorry, good luck!

bliss • 16 Mar 2014, 10:15 AM

All lists except Immortals fed 😊

mysticmagic • 16 Mar 2014, 8:33 AM

Hi! 😸 Would you by any chance accept EC for Engel, Bessy, Bliz, Prath, Trenka, Wiset, Cirthark, Luciales? (Side) I collect most of them. 😊

jasmyne • 16 Mar 2014, 6:20 AM

what do you want for 5 Wahlas, 4 Amarras and 1/2 Vulpsells? 😊

animegirlalways • 15 Mar 2014, 10:00 PM

Fed Feed List. 😊

ugena • 15 Mar 2014, 9:30 PM

Hello. Fed your feed list. Have a nice day. 😊

bee-dancer123 • 15 Mar 2014, 2:32 PM

Fed as much as I could before my iPad battery almost died! By the way, nice cove! 😊

meleva • 15 Mar 2014, 2:09 PM

Thank you! 😊 Feed 101 back😊

pjbuzzy • 15 Mar 2014, 11:31 AM

- a fair trade would be Old LE's for Old LE's 😋

pjbuzzy • 15 Mar 2014, 11:30 AM

Well those are all worth more than a Punbundu I'm afraid :c Do you have any old LE's that you could trade? Lemac and Ulert are old LE's, so-

pjbuzzy • 15 Mar 2014, 11:22 AM

What would you like for your UFT Punbundu?