Wall: hay7199

ninjagirl • 21 Apr 2012, 2:27 PM

He died when fishing and when he was dying he got a fygg and he wished and he was turned into a giant whale turning into lleviathan to give

ninjagirl • 21 Apr 2012, 2:26 PM

Yay! Okay, so the lleviathan that is giving them fish isn't actually lleviathan. It's the little girl, who's name is Jona, 's father!

ninjagirl • 21 Apr 2012, 2:19 PM

You mean porth llaffen? Would you like a spoiler? 😉

ninjagirl • 21 Apr 2012, 2:16 PM

Haha XD where are you in it? I started a new game, so right now I'm hovering around porth llaffen, trying to reach level fifteen as a Mage.

ninjagirl • 21 Apr 2012, 2:09 PM

XDD I beat him on my second try! Ya see.. The trick is, oh fight every monster you see and train extra hard! 😃

seaangel • 21 Apr 2012, 10:49 AM

Please post on AVATAR!!

ninjagirl • 21 Apr 2012, 3:38 AM

Isn't it? XDD I love it! Would you like to join my RP about it??

aliney • 21 Apr 2012, 2:15 AM

Not including the terron. 😸

aliney • 21 Apr 2012, 2:10 AM

Thats ok! 😊 Im trying to save up for a Crystar. Right now i have 500CC. 😋 Ill keep the trade it mind. 😃 500CC for it right?

james-bond • 20 Apr 2012, 11:33 PM

That's okay! 😊

1992firebirdgirl • 20 Apr 2012, 10:12 PM

is all your marleys uft if so i want em

buubles1688 • 20 Apr 2012, 9:53 PM

please post on the lions are back! PLEASE!!!!

aliney • 20 Apr 2012, 9:31 PM

How much? 😸

aliney • 20 Apr 2012, 9:28 PM

What do you want for Re-Boot? Im really bad at offers sooo yeah. 😋

euro22 • 20 Apr 2012, 8:31 PM

I can afford it, plus its really the special ones I wanna save.

euro22 • 20 Apr 2012, 8:21 PM

Hmm... depends.... its your money but if you truely want to donate some you can 😊

seaangel • 19 Apr 2012, 6:27 PM

...he might get a gun!

twilight_raptor • 19 Apr 2012, 6:24 PM

Fed featured 😊 feed mine back?

seaangel • 19 Apr 2012, 6:23 PM

*Looks at status* My boyfriend now he likes. Mainly because he's christian and treats me well. If they don't fit that standards....

morgana • 19 Apr 2012, 5:19 PM

xD I know.

carter • 19 Apr 2012, 3:59 PM

@status xD my dad has not yet met my sister's boyfriend. He came home with two Axes and called them "Boyfriend deterent devices" (

sstwins • 19 Apr 2012, 3:38 PM

Post on the war?

karamel • 19 Apr 2012, 1:03 PM

Fed featured, please feed my Ambrie back? Sorry to be a bother! Thanks! @status *-* YES!

hedwig68 • 18 Apr 2012, 9:42 PM

Yeah right you funny don't make me laugh (JK JK)

hedwig68 • 18 Apr 2012, 9:37 PM

Married at like 19 but the status is hilarious

hedwig68 • 18 Apr 2012, 9:37 PM

@ status That is so true! But my dad can't say anything to me about dating because 1 he knows I look down on it for kids my age and 2 he was

morgana • 18 Apr 2012, 7:57 PM

Haha! My dad ALMOST bought me a shirt that said it.

morgana • 18 Apr 2012, 7:55 PM

@status My dad told me that. 😋

buubles1688 • 18 Apr 2012, 6:33 PM

come post on the lions are back!

snow_angel618 • 18 Apr 2012, 5:45 PM

thanks 😃