Wall: icymuffin

hai • 12 Oct 2013, 3:07 PM

AHH, you're an artist here now? 😃

hai • 12 Oct 2013, 2:43 PM

Did you make it? 😱 Yeah, the egg is super cool. ^__^ The baby thing on the egg looks creepy cool.

hai • 12 Oct 2013, 12:48 PM

Ooh, congrats on the Luskrull! I'm excited to see what it hatches into. ^^

hai • 11 Oct 2013, 6:01 PM

Other than Pepita hustling me out of seeds, the event is really cool so far. ^^

hai • 11 Oct 2013, 2:58 PM

Yup! ^^

hai • 10 Oct 2013, 6:07 PM

Oh poo, then I'm gonna have to make time. 😋 The novel, once I finish them I'll start on the TV series. ^^

hai • 10 Oct 2013, 5:23 PM

I also had time to finally start a Game of Thrones. 😊

hai • 10 Oct 2013, 5:22 PM

Just excited I can actually participate in this event without any consequences from school. e_e

hai • 10 Oct 2013, 12:11 PM

Four day weekend. TvT SO MUCH HAPPIES IN THE AIR!

syndrome • 10 Oct 2013, 7:26 AM

Hey, you excited about X and Y?

syndrome • 10 Oct 2013, 7:25 AM


syndrome • 9 Oct 2013, 8:12 PM


syndrome • 9 Oct 2013, 7:42 AM


syndrome • 8 Oct 2013, 6:37 PM


hai • 6 Oct 2013, 1:02 AM

Peppermint Dark Chocolate bark is very yummy. o3o

hai • 4 Oct 2013, 10:50 PM

We moved into something easier today, I think its exponential functions.

hai • 30 Sep 2013, 11:58 PM

Taking over the world has to wait a bit though. D; I needz sleepy times before I can do anything.

hai • 30 Sep 2013, 11:43 PM

Icy! I'm on for more than 10 seconds! 😃

hai • 25 Sep 2013, 9:18 PM

Mmm, October? ;D I'll see if I can be more active.

hai • 21 Sep 2013, 4:58 PM

It rained a couple days ago here too. ^^ It's also getting cooler now! Time for sweaters!

hai • 20 Sep 2013, 6:21 PM

Icy! 😃😃😃😃 I have a free weekend full of procrastination. ^___^ How's life been to ya?

hai • 14 Sep 2013, 10:52 PM

Well every time I saw someone I jumped and shot like a mad man but before I realized, I had already been tagged. 😋

hai • 14 Sep 2013, 10:10 PM

I don't know why I always get crushed by little kids while playing laser tag. 😋

hai • 13 Sep 2013, 8:42 PM

Yus! I have little homework this weekend too. 😃 Tomorrow I'm gonna go play laser tag with a couple of friends though, ^^

hai • 12 Sep 2013, 11:59 PM

But I like to have them all in one account. :c I hope to have more free time after Thanksgiving break! ^^ But then its back to crazy life.😋

hai • 12 Sep 2013, 9:43 PM

But I'm also reaching the 300 creature limit here~~~ D: You should tell Ian to raise it to 500. o3o

hai • 10 Sep 2013, 9:34 PM

Nu. :c I need more pet slots and they cost like $20 I don't have right now. xD

hai • 10 Sep 2013, 5:37 PM

I've been spending most of the little free time on Subeta now. 😋 Finally doing more things on there~

hai • 9 Sep 2013, 10:46 PM

It's Monday. :c

hai • 6 Sep 2013, 5:16 PM

Yay for Friday! 😃 I finally have a free evening. :'D