Wall: icymuffin

hai • 25 Jul 2013, 8:57 PM

Nuuuuuuuuu. D:

hai • 25 Jul 2013, 6:23 PM


hai • 25 Jul 2013, 4:57 PM

I now have contacts! 😃 No more glasses during the day! ^__^

hai • 24 Jul 2013, 4:22 PM

It bothers me a bit. So used to it being in the center. xD

hai • 24 Jul 2013, 3:20 PM

I got a Toshiba Satellite with fancy touchscreen. ^^

hai • 24 Jul 2013, 3:17 PM

Yay! 😃 I finally got a new laptop! 😃😃😃😃😃

skylark • 24 Jul 2013, 1:53 PM


skylark • 24 Jul 2013, 12:02 AM


pirran • 21 Jul 2013, 11:36 AM

Thank you n_n ❤️

pirran • 20 Jul 2013, 3:14 PM

I did 😊 I also did the background image of Cathy for the Creature Labs.

whitefall • 20 Jul 2013, 10:23 AM

Ya know, your shiny badge is very intimidating OTL I like all these new updates 😃 😃 So many new things O_O

hai • 19 Jul 2013, 11:42 AM

So many new stuffs. :'D

glados • 19 Jul 2013, 9:35 AM

I like this whole 'set cove list as default' thing. ;DD

whitefall • 19 Jul 2013, 2:34 AM

*sigh* Feels so weird not being able to see whether you're on or not xD

sony • 19 Jul 2013, 1:28 AM

Wait... Have I ever mentioned that you have a very beautiful cove? xD Well, I think I just did! xD HAPPY EGG CAVE'S BIRTHDAY! xD

chapus • 18 Jul 2013, 3:55 PM

Haha, good. x3 Thats true I guess. 😊 I'm good. 😸

blueclaw • 18 Jul 2013, 12:54 PM

Well then I just put them on... the... floor?

littlepuffyball • 18 Jul 2013, 3:15 AM

Thanks for being concerned anyhow 😊 Even if ya don't know what to say I appreciate it.

littlepuffyball • 18 Jul 2013, 3:10 AM

I just have a bad bad habit of cutting. I need to seek professional help or something but that would mean telling my parents...

littlepuffyball • 18 Jul 2013, 3:09 AM

Uh. Yeah I do :c

blueclaw • 18 Jul 2013, 1:35 AM

*leaves a plate of cookies on the table*

chapus • 17 Jul 2013, 10:43 PM

Hey Icy! How are you? c:

hai • 17 Jul 2013, 1:24 PM

My computer finally broke down. 😋 I don't know when I'm getting a new one. Hopefully by the beg. of the school year.

hai • 13 Jul 2013, 12:35 AM

I'm finally the one to kidnap someone! :'D I'm always the one that seems to be kidnapped. :c

whitefall • 12 Jul 2013, 11:48 PM

Nah, really busy with tennis and XC is starting soon and my aunt is visiting and studying to test out of bio and life Dx

nightmare • 12 Jul 2013, 9:03 PM

What about this? *shoves leyma in mouth* *talks with mouth full* tashte liek leafves.

nightmare • 12 Jul 2013, 8:37 PM

Mmmmm. Delicious. Tastes like Bunny.

nightmare • 12 Jul 2013, 8:37 PM

*noms on Onny egg*

hai • 11 Jul 2013, 6:49 PM

I'll make one later today then. ^^ She needs to come on more. D;

alkaline00 • 11 Jul 2013, 2:02 PM

Ah okay, it's a site I used to be on and you have the exact same username as a mod on there 😋