stefrawr • 10 May 2020, 8:41 PM
fed all. hope life is treating you well.
jurassicshark • 31 Mar 2016, 7:36 PM
saphira1oo • 28 Mar 2016, 6:40 PM
*Crosses over* Oh, wait, was that the line? Fed some.
leafmelody • 22 Nov 2015, 2:12 AM
I ❤️ your cove! 😸
dream-within-a-dream • 15 Aug 2015, 10:37 PM
Why thank you lad! ❤️ /hugs/ Your cove is beaut. ❤️
thedarkstar • 22 Feb 2015, 12:28 AM
- crosses the line- love your cove if any become UFT tell me if you can
rashka • 8 Nov 2014, 6:30 PM
lovely small cove!! wandering around and trying to catch something the other side of the line! 😋 *hole arm is the other side of the line*😃
appleblizzard • 27 Jun 2014, 3:10 AM
I dare to. I'm that kind of girl.
poe • 21 Apr 2014, 12:54 AM
Fed all back! You've got a lovely set of creatures. By the way.... I dared to cross the line! Gandalf isn't here to stop me! 😋
payne • 3 Sep 2013, 8:17 PM
feeding pets! love your name❤️ have a great day!
leaf_light • 7 Jun 2013, 11:47 PM
I love your username! Its so... punny!
bot • 12 Jan 2013, 1:10 PM