Wall: lillia

sky • 12 Feb 2012, 1:31 AM

No, sorry. I don't actually. D: I've been wanting to know myself so I could trade for one. I think my Yuki would look good with one.

sky • 12 Feb 2012, 1:27 AM

Nothing much, just working on getting closer to my dream cove~ you? ^-^

sky • 12 Feb 2012, 1:25 AM

Yay, you're online! 😸

sky • 11 Feb 2012, 9:16 AM

*Pokesback* 😸

anonymously_me • 11 Feb 2012, 3:09 AM

I sent you a pm in @lilliana ^^ about trading ^^

han • 11 Feb 2012, 1:36 AM

Oh, and is TJM UFT? 😊

han • 11 Feb 2012, 1:27 AM


han • 10 Feb 2012, 3:59 AM

Fed all! πŸ˜ƒ

sky • 6 Feb 2012, 12:43 AM

And miss you, too! Message me whenever you get the chance to 😸

sky • 6 Feb 2012, 12:42 AM

Awh, okee ☹️ I love you, too!❀️ 😸

luna21 • 6 Feb 2012, 12:28 AM

see ya, they had one in the glitch forum i believe. i remember seeing it somewhere there

sky • 6 Feb 2012, 12:05 AM

*Tackles you in big hug* Hai der!

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 11:31 PM

Yup, it's the muscle pain alright. Thanks again! The name felt right to me, though the original name was Airyuki x3

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 11:05 PM

Spookcat. 😸

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 11:04 PM

I'm working on collecting Yukis, so far I have a total of three. Getting my fourth later. Hopefully I find someone to trade a Yuki for my--

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 11:03 PM

I've been also having sore throat, runny nose, and terrible migrains. And yes! I also suggested the Garo for Halloween. 😸

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 11:02 PM

I hurt my legs. I overworked myself on one of the GYM machines. My legs have been in pain and it's hard for me to move them.

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 10:58 PM

Will you be on more recent now? 😸 we have some catching up to do! 😊

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 10:57 PM

*Huggles back* I've missed you, too! I've been doing great, even though I've been sick and getting hurt. But, I'm fine xD and thank you!

sky • 1 Feb 2012, 10:51 PM


dionaea • 1 Feb 2012, 2:35 AM

You're on~! πŸ˜ƒ How are you? The exam went okay, it was this monday afternoon, they asked all sorts of questions I didn't expect DX

whitefall • 29 Jan 2012, 9:55 AM

He's a special Ignis xD

dionaea • 29 Jan 2012, 7:47 AM

haven't been very active... It's nice to see you were online though 😊 Also, if you need any non retired travels let me know, I have most πŸ˜‰

dionaea • 29 Jan 2012, 7:45 AM

Aw, sorry for the late response, I've just been real busy ☹️ I have an exam tomorrow and I had to help out with a course a while ago, so I

whitefall • 27 Jan 2012, 2:43 PM

Btw, your Ignis is first because his name starts with a space xD

whitefall • 20 Jan 2012, 7:19 PM

Hehe, your welcome! Glad to see you on 😊 Hope we can talk again, just leave a post on my profile every so often, kay? c;

han • 20 Jan 2012, 5:14 AM

Oh.. nev mind. I don't really want Catch anymore ^-^''

han • 20 Jan 2012, 5:12 AM


shann901 • 19 Jan 2012, 9:17 AM

all fed 😊

whitefall • 17 Jan 2012, 12:09 AM

Long time no see. 😱 How are you? ^^