Wall: lucas

cami • 6 Nov 2013, 8:11 PM

Fed some ^-^ need me to place any in Tims for you?

cami • 5 Nov 2013, 6:02 PM

you're welcome ^-^

cami • 5 Nov 2013, 5:18 PM

yup ^-^ just take care of him. He's my favie.

cami • 4 Nov 2013, 10:21 PM

"Gifting to You" post ^-^ Offer on the Lot with the Goldox *Alavine*, It's for you. lol

cami • 3 Nov 2013, 11:44 AM

heh ^-^ oh, i have conferences this week x.x so tired cause of my essays all of last week v.v

cami • 3 Nov 2013, 9:59 AM

im doing fine, just been busy with school x.x

cami • 2 Nov 2013, 12:29 AM

lol oh ok ^-^ so how've you been?

mairbear • 1 Nov 2013, 10:42 PM

Ah np, thanks for letting me know~ ^^

clbr6117 • 1 Nov 2013, 6:43 PM

would you be interested in a male Ambrok??

aliney • 1 Nov 2013, 6:41 PM

Doing okay(:

cami • 31 Oct 2013, 10:19 PM

~Huggles Shinigami~ O.O I thought you weren't going to trade any of your halloween collection? x.x ~confuzzled~

cami • 31 Oct 2013, 10:18 PM

aww ohh ok ^-^

barbyka • 31 Oct 2013, 6:17 PM

Actually, I can add another Sob and/or Fangtharp.

barbyka • 31 Oct 2013, 5:58 PM

Would you trade spookat for 3 CC October creatures, Sob and Luskrull?

mairbear • 31 Oct 2013, 5:53 PM

Hai, are you looking for the halloween creatures from the shop for your lovely Spookcat? 😊

cami • 31 Oct 2013, 12:27 AM

nothing much ^-^ just tired x.x just got back from a Halloween Dance as a fundraiser for my advance choir group.

cami • 28 Oct 2013, 8:55 AM

Fed some ^-^

aliney • 15 Oct 2013, 6:48 PM

Hey hows it going? 😊

cami • 12 Oct 2013, 11:47 PM

lol ^-^ oh ok

cami • 12 Oct 2013, 5:20 PM

Fed some ^-^

sony • 15 Sep 2013, 3:51 AM

OMG NO WAY 8D Me too, lol~ xD I've been stressing out a lot, last week I was inactive for 5 day on EC! o.O Aaaah, school...! T^T

cami • 14 Sep 2013, 10:05 AM

lol ^-^ yeah

sony • 14 Sep 2013, 1:30 AM

-either abandon the unwanted eggs or... put up a small auction or something! xD Lol~ Ah, anyway? How's life? 8D

sony • 14 Sep 2013, 1:30 AM

I think not many people want to sell their fully grown immortal commons! xD It's an extremely tedious work raising them, so they just-

cami • 13 Sep 2013, 9:27 PM

aww sorry to hear that v.v and im doing ok-ish. Been busy with school and advanced choir practices x.x

sony • 13 Sep 2013, 7:30 AM

Sorry for the late reply, I was being killed by school! xD And thanks! 8D But my cove is full of commons! xD And yours is filled with... *o*

cami • 9 Sep 2013, 10:35 AM

hey lucas ^-^ and my account got deleted i think, since i was barely on x.x

sony • 8 Sep 2013, 1:46 AM

Woah *-* Beautiful cove! 😸

aliney • 7 Sep 2013, 4:20 PM

Hey hows it going? (:

cami • 17 Aug 2013, 5:06 PM

Fed some ^-^