aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 8:26 PM

I do. XD And 'sides. to tell the truth, you had reasons to be angry when you were angry. 😊 I mostly get angry cause of silly stuffs XD

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 8:26 PM

I'm the same 😱 High five for us goofballs! XD But honestly, you're not stupid. :/ At least you don't vent your anger at random people like-

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 8:19 PM

You're my friend too! 😃 I just automatically considered you a friend since you're a sweety and I rarely come across such people...

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 8:14 PM

You're not annoying me, don't think that. I want to hear it. Maybe I can help in some way? I'll PM you, is that okay?

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 8:06 PM

Surprisingly, I'm not annoyed with these kinds of things. You can share, I'll listen. Only if you're comfortable with it. 😊

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 8:00 PM

Why do you hate life? o.o

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 7:50 PM

Seriously, it's about s*x, drug addiction and the mental illness. SERIOUSLY!!! You don't need to watch that! Because it makes you hate life.

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 7:46 PM

You shouldn't watch it. I did the mistake of doing so and I regret it. The main charrie end up terribly. One loses an arm...

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 7:36 PM

meant for, then you realize just how frigging sad it is. ;c Requiem for a Dream is the saddest, most life-ruining movie ever...

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 7:34 PM

It's not exactly the song that you should pay attention to, because at first listening, it sounds EPIC! But when you see the movie it's -

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 7:23 PM

For Aizel and Vedel - Requiem for a Dream. :c They've both got scr*wed up lives.

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 7:17 PM

That would be cool o.o

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:49 PM

oki 😊 just poke me

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:45 PM

That sucks. e.e I'll make my own feeding topic, cause I feed fast XD JK, want some help or anything? o.o

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:36 PM

But feeding is so fast on tis thing. Fed your cove for about a minute.

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:27 PM

tablet and I just figured out how to type with this thing. XD

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:24 PM

Cage really did turn out quite originally made and I gotta say, I'm sad for letting it die. But I cant really post right now, since I'm on a

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:08 PM

literate RP. And... well, there are not many literate RPers here. >.> Well, at least not active ones. Cage RP - same.

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:07 PM

A lot of people are! o.o Just think about it. The plot on Lilith's locket was long and literate so many people thought it an exremely -

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 6:03 PM

Cause imma noob who is too lazy to post? >,> Yeah ^^" So sorry, I spazzed completely.

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 5:56 PM

No, actually that's only in E.P. >.> People really are getting on my nerve XD But to tell the truth, it's going preeety smoothily... o

aizel • 28 Aug 2012, 5:51 PM

I know what you mean. 😋 I somehow always try to be the ain character. -.- And it must have been annoying for some peeps XD

raitonchidori • 28 Aug 2012, 1:33 PM

Lot #233025

lucky_cricket • 25 Aug 2012, 6:02 PM

fed all 😊

yogurt • 24 Aug 2012, 8:24 PM

No problem. c: Have a great day. ^^

yogurt • 24 Aug 2012, 8:22 PM

lol I understand XD even when I did sleep all day I forgot thing haha

yogurt • 24 Aug 2012, 8:15 PM

you forgot to offer the 55k EC. ^^

yogurt • 24 Aug 2012, 8:13 PM

Ahh! Sorry for being so slow! My computer froze. Lot #231702 Here you go. (:

yogurt • 24 Aug 2012, 8:00 PM

Make the lot. (:

fluffycat • 24 Aug 2012, 1:05 PM

Fed all