Aizel the Unhemn

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18 Mar 2012
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...It says Aizel Kay Tylk in my dosie, but I'm known with many names. You can call me Guillotine. I don't mind the name Black either.

Now to describe myself. Well, I'm 18 years old and by some freakish law of nature I don't get older than that (Oh the joys of psychopatic owners). I'm strong, fast and I'm A LOT shorter than normal. I'm a freakin' smurf! Make a joke about my height and I will destroy you, understand? My skin is tanned and I have coal black hair with bangs. My eyes are obsidian black.

As you might already know, I'm not the best person to talk with. So what? I'm human, I have my flaws. I'm a bounty hunter and make a living from killing. Most of the times, I act illogical and sometimes selfish, but hey, sue me, wouldya?

I might be rough around the edges but I have a heart. I care about my friends Brendon and Katia. Without them my life wouldn't've been the same.

^^^^ written by my 15 year old self... I'm keeping it as a cringy relic.

@silvereye @inkstep @meilin @silver_winged @misty @wolfmilk @onyx @bubble-slice @10samantha242
@carter @supernatural @bunnyshadow @dada_dragon @jubjubloversboy @monchhichi01 @skittlejg @eytan
@wererage @chapus2009 @pebblestar_nightclan @hedwig68 @amelialightwing @dragonii @skywightlight

Dying creatures

Birthdays ~ April, Icey
Pair creatures; Aizel wall clean

About Unhemn Eggs

This creature is endangered.

Unhemn eggs, when found in the Egg Cave, are rather hard to resist. All Unhemn eggs contain a jewel inset into the egg membrane. The gemstone is made up of an element (found on the Ark Periodic Table of Elements) only found on Unhemn eggs. After hatching, the jewel is the owners to keep. Don't sell it though, because all Unhemn have an unbreakable connection with their egg stone.

About the Unhemn Creature

Unhemn, like their egg, have jewels, which come from a rare element, inset into their bodies. When the sun is shining, these gems sure do sparkle! Wow! Some, although most are immune, do crazy things after seeing Uhemn gems (collectively referred to as "ugems" by Ark citizens) like spontaneous dancing, unstoppable laughter, and random comments that have no logic. The cure is, oddly enough, ingesting elderberries found in the Eastern Jungles.