Wall: purplerooster

redfire77 • 12 Feb 2011, 10:20 PM

what would you want for your foo?

opundo • 12 Feb 2011, 7:54 PM

Okay...but one way or the other, decide by Valentine's day, or I won't want the foo after that.

hieinaraku • 12 Feb 2011, 6:31 PM

Fed all

diamondshineify • 12 Feb 2011, 3:43 PM

is one of your guinstars for tradre?

cubexline • 12 Feb 2011, 12:38 PM

fed all

cubexline • 12 Feb 2011, 12:16 PM

hey!!!!!!!!!!! yay your back and im sorry your gobbler died :[

opundo • 12 Feb 2011, 11:49 AM

Okay? So your foo really isn't UFT, but still in the trade center? Anyhow, I'd wanted a male from the beginning, so what about my foo?

925925925 • 12 Feb 2011, 11:31 AM

Lot #18174746

haruhi78 • 12 Feb 2011, 9:36 AM

would you like a pixgog for your tine??

dragonessofire • 12 Feb 2011, 5:53 AM

fed all😊

peppermintcowboy • 11 Feb 2011, 11:48 PM

Sorry for the withdrawal - I just wanted to add a bit more to my offer for your Foo! 😊

opundo • 11 Feb 2011, 10:49 PM

Still offering my UFT list for your foo. (You never got back to me on our agreed trade of snolo, chiye + rhine for Footon).

purplerooster • 11 Feb 2011, 10:01 PM

DOES ANYbody have a minecraft profile that u dont use anymore that i can have

purplerooster • 11 Feb 2011, 10:00 PM

Lot #18174726 GOOD OFFERS!!!!

purplerooster • 11 Feb 2011, 9:41 PM

any nice people want to give me some free crw eggs a missed alot

purplerooster • 11 Feb 2011, 9:36 PM

im back on egg cave sorry its been a while

darcy_vasquez • 9 Feb 2011, 7:57 PM


randomkitty17 • 8 Feb 2011, 7:46 PM

fed all plz feed back

haruhi78 • 3 Feb 2011, 7:12 AM

fed all, can you let me know if your tine will be UFT, i'd give you pixgog!

muppet • 3 Feb 2011, 4:38 AM

Fed all πŸ˜ƒ Almost all of your eggs & creatures are DYING!!!☹️ Please put them @ Tim's☹️

klemicat • 30 Jan 2011, 11:54 PM

Fed all LE and rare eggs πŸ˜ƒ Quick! Tim-ify them all!

mlpnko159 • 30 Jan 2011, 11:18 AM

fed feat and alot of rares. plz fead me

cubexline • 29 Jan 2011, 4:40 PM

fed all

katrina • 28 Jan 2011, 8:43 AM

What do you want for your Foo?

deku • 27 Jan 2011, 8:28 PM

You need to put some of your creatures in Tim's.

grapesgray • 27 Jan 2011, 12:58 AM


moon_king • 26 Jan 2011, 8:13 PM

fed all ^^

xpranksterchickx • 26 Jan 2011, 12:23 PM

Will you accept a Leyma, Hallowolf, Kacki, Draid and Maskey for your Foo? 😊

whateva • 25 Jan 2011, 11:12 PM

Sorry, re offered;)

icedragon3000 • 24 Jan 2011, 11:42 AM

Hi fed all