Wall: snow_angel618

orange • 26 Oct 2011, 5:47 PM

OH!!!! i get it now....what would u offer?

orange • 26 Oct 2011, 5:45 PM

....ok so what was i looking for?😋 im srry i always forget

orange • 26 Oct 2011, 5:44 PM

wait im srry, what was i trading?

kiru • 6 Oct 2011, 9:46 PM

Fed all

jaidyn • 2 Oct 2011, 9:15 AM

...Look below...

jaidyn • 2 Oct 2011, 9:14 AM

Is your Olimpt and Hallowolf UFT for a Turtux? And maybe an LE?

jaidyn • 2 Oct 2011, 9:13 AM

Or at least you HAD one...

jaidyn • 2 Oct 2011, 9:12 AM

Didn't you HAVE one?

jaidyn • 1 Oct 2011, 9:53 PM

Is your Spookcat UFT for a Turtux?

rosey77 • 1 Oct 2011, 8:08 PM

Randomness is awesome XD

qwaszx • 1 Oct 2011, 4:48 PM

No Fragon Ed a gift so she's NFT. Good luck though!

luna21 • 1 Oct 2011, 4:38 PM

sorry... good luck

luna21 • 1 Oct 2011, 4:36 PM

no... sorry

luna21 • 1 Oct 2011, 4:33 PM

depends on what you are offering

inuyasha_puppy • 1 Oct 2011, 4:26 PM

sorry no ^-^"

rosey77 • 30 Sep 2011, 7:43 PM

Hello to you too. 😃

crescentfeather • 29 Sep 2011, 8:42 PM

I'd prefer it if you didn't ^^;

frosty • 29 Sep 2011, 2:09 PM

What would you like for it? 😊

frosty • 29 Sep 2011, 12:22 PM

glover? >_<

silverserpent • 28 Sep 2011, 7:38 PM

No. She's my only Guinstar.

happy • 26 Sep 2011, 5:15 PM

its true!! 😱

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 12:59 PM

l0l i went away before you 😈

moggette • 25 Sep 2011, 10:20 AM

Fed some, please feed my tasma

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:20 AM

awww. ☚ī¸ wait. may you post something on the homepage update thingy so i can find your profile? if you know what i mean...

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:18 AM

eheheh.. i just cashed in all of my blue and red tickets to win something 😃 <--- crazy lunatic, obsessed with eggcave...

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:13 AM

it was easy though. it only costed me about 100 green tickets... e.e

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:12 AM

L0L. just a small spelling error >8D

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:10 AM

fed all 😉

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:09 AM

hmmm. your answer was CLOSE>>>> medium ROAR with a dash of pepper and a fresh piece of parsley 😈

happy • 25 Sep 2011, 9:07 AM

*ahem* BOB. that is tah answer. hehe. How do lions order their steaks?