Wall: spirit

nvr4evr1 • 27 Jun 2011, 7:07 PM

Which three? I'm not even going to trade my Foo lot, I just wanted to see what people would offer.

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 9:02 PM

Haha okay, I have to go now but I'll do it once I'm free. Thanks!

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 9:00 PM

Okay! I'll check it out. 😊

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:42 PM

I think I'll be able to get into a good school if I keep my current average. Over 4.0 😊

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:40 PM

-later on where every month a new CC egg will come out. 😋

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:39 PM

Hmm I'm not quite sure why they're getting rid of them. /: They probably will replace them though, there's supposed to be "monthly&quot

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:37 PM

Wow that's a long time in the medical career! I think I might want to pursue something in medical but I'm still deciding. 😊

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:29 PM

Well then it's good I'm here! To beautify your pets with travels. 😉

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:26 PM

Alright! I'll be on for a little tomorrow but might not be able to accept and give you the travels till night time/late noon. Is that ok? 😊

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:23 PM

What? I did separate them - Lot #13850

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:21 PM

Haha okay that would be good. 😊

nvr4evr1 • 26 Jun 2011, 8:20 PM

Well those are the ones I want to trade, I want to get different ones to keep.

nvr4evr1 • 25 Jun 2011, 9:01 PM

Oh no those eggs are UFT, trying to see if anyone will offer something good. 😊 And you can just block them if they give you grief.

nvr4evr1 • 25 Jun 2011, 7:15 PM

Well next month Balrogs and Rhines will be gone from the Cash Shop. 😋

nvr4evr1 • 25 Jun 2011, 5:34 PM

I was wondering if you could get 1, 2, or more Rhinedorfs for me, I think I want to hoard them haha. They're so cute! Travels are available!

nvr4evr1 • 25 Jun 2011, 1:23 PM

No you're right, that was just really wrong.

sonnenhain • 25 Jun 2011, 1:03 PM

Fed all 😊

mercy • 25 Jun 2011, 12:00 PM

I was able to feed several but not all. I have been ill and unable to sit very long. Hugs Mercy

nvr4evr1 • 24 Jun 2011, 4:03 PM

Wait which user? And I would ignore her, once you trade, it's fair and square so you can keep them, she can't make you give them back.

iwarlen • 24 Jun 2011, 10:45 AM

can i give two brohus two my brother i think i have two more(their special)

iwarlen • 23 Jun 2011, 10:43 PM

i want to give some of my eggs to my brother i want to give a blu to him he really loves his eggs so i can have them back?(rhine and balrog)

iwarlen • 23 Jun 2011, 9:16 PM

i'm quitting do you want your blu and sheap back for my rhine and balrog

ashamp • 22 Jun 2011, 8:50 PM

Thank you for so much of your kindness. Could you hold a few of my rarer eggs? If so they are on the trading center for you thanks 😊

forestgem15 • 21 Jun 2011, 8:36 PM

right now, i have an offer of an ecorth on the eyleymo only.. but i'll prob. accept anything on my wishlist or anything i don't have 😃

nvr4evr1 • 21 Jun 2011, 5:49 PM

Oh I traded most of those eggs for my Pareteorsite. 😋 And they're all good! Thanks though!

nvr4evr1 • 21 Jun 2011, 5:43 PM

Well I love a lot of things in your cove but I don't have anything except for commons UFT at the moment, that'll change soon. 😊

forestgem15 • 21 Jun 2011, 11:12 AM

hi! could you create a lot for tasy please? I'm back from vacations 😃

nvr4evr1 • 21 Jun 2011, 10:59 AM

Oh because before you said you needed a Foo. 😋 Anything there for what? 😋

nvr4evr1 • 18 Jun 2011, 7:18 PM

Wait what do you want..?

nvr4evr1 • 18 Jun 2011, 1:42 PM

Greedy, rude people, gotta hate 'em. 😋