Wall: spirit

nvr4evr1 • 18 Jun 2011, 1:26 PM

Haha thanks! Now I just need to offer on Gracie. 😊

nvr4evr1 • 17 Jun 2011, 5:20 PM

Thank you so much I love you ❤ī¸ Do you want me to make 2 trades?

nvr4evr1 • 15 Jun 2011, 2:56 PM

She already gave them away./=

nvr4evr1 • 15 Jun 2011, 10:55 AM

Haha well she totally deserved it, I'm really sick of people like her, they shouldn't even be on this website.

ice2505 • 15 Jun 2011, 4:35 AM

um....i don't have a balrog..did u mean to ask icarlyrock??

gagamonster15 • 14 Jun 2011, 8:55 PM

-for your egg ones? It's okay if you don't want to, I understand. 😊

gagamonster15 • 14 Jun 2011, 8:54 PM

Lol, I feel like I annoy you...Hm, I'm looking for egg versions for every creature i have, would you be willing swap grown creature(s)-

nenielsen • 14 Jun 2011, 7:49 PM

oops, so sorry... ☚ī¸

merlin7576 • 14 Jun 2011, 7:34 PM

thanks. That's really cool of you to do.

merlin7576 • 14 Jun 2011, 7:29 PM

onny and gobbler eggs??

merlin7576 • 14 Jun 2011, 7:05 PM

offered, sorry

nvr4evr1 • 14 Jun 2011, 6:43 PM

Hey let me know when you get more freezes, I need two soon. 😋

forestgem15 • 13 Jun 2011, 9:29 PM

sorry, i have to go now, i'll take care of this asap

merlin7576 • 12 Jun 2011, 7:14 PM

yes please. any specific travels??

amy14 • 12 Jun 2011, 7:13 AM

Yes it's good thanks for asking 😃

nvr4evr1 • 11 Jun 2011, 8:20 PM

- are the most trustworthy person I know! Come on! (;

nvr4evr1 • 11 Jun 2011, 8:20 PM

Haha it was really good, so full I'm going to burst. 😋 And I wanted to let you know I will always ask you to take care of my pets! You -

forestgem15 • 10 Jun 2011, 7:16 PM

Thanks for the freeze 😃. I was wondering I could have another one. I could give you a few rare travels or maybe a more recent LE for it.

amy14 • 10 Jun 2011, 6:00 PM

Is your raicorn uft?

joelle1843 • 9 Jun 2011, 10:19 PM

hi;) is lightningcloud uft?

petpet55 • 8 Jun 2011, 6:54 PM

Fed all 😊 Your profile made me smile 😊 I love older people with good spirit(no pun intended on your username xD) like you 😃

spirit • 8 Jun 2011, 6:38 PM

Once I see how much money I have left from my check I might have some to get some freezes for this month, but I will let you all know.

camideadlyrose • 6 Jun 2011, 8:35 PM

oh ok ^-^ and thank u so much

camideadlyrose • 6 Jun 2011, 8:33 PM

if you dont see one I'll put one on for it again.

camideadlyrose • 6 Jun 2011, 7:59 PM

ok then ^-^

camideadlyrose • 6 Jun 2011, 7:37 PM

ok ^-^

camideadlyrose • 6 Jun 2011, 7:32 PM

yes i have a few travels i can trade u ^-^

camideadlyrose • 6 Jun 2011, 7:15 PM

oh sorry to bother u but i was wondering if u could freeze my tasma rin? I would really appreciate it if u did.

armageddondoll • 6 Jun 2011, 3:11 PM

Fed all 😊

gagamonster15 • 5 Jun 2011, 8:18 PM

Lol, thanks! And you should contact Ian about your travel issue. 😱