Wall: starltiana

cheetar • 22 Jan 2011, 5:28 AM


starltiana • 25 Dec 2010, 2:26 PM

I R ALIVE!!! I just probably wont be on here every day 😋

idoc1800 • 15 Aug 2010, 1:11 PM

ho,all fed

idoc1800 • 15 Aug 2010, 12:01 PM

i want to trade flor for chimera please

starltiana • 13 Aug 2010, 2:24 PM

Thanks for feeding! I'll try to feed yours too. 😊

opaquechastity_hope_center • 28 Jul 2010, 7:33 PM

All fed.

foopetsfan4life • 22 Jul 2010, 9:01 AM


starltiana • 15 Jul 2010, 12:22 PM

I accepted somebody elses offer... sorry corindia... maybe I should look at the posts first

starltiana • 15 Jul 2010, 12:18 PM

Sorry I haven't been here for a while...

sorrel • 15 Jul 2010, 9:01 AM

Aw, may I please have your tasmas? My Dream pets! 😃

psk1000 • 13 Jul 2010, 11:17 PM

fed all ❤️

opaquechastity_hope_center • 9 Jul 2010, 1:47 AM

Fed all!!! 😸

thepells4 • 8 Jul 2010, 12:04 PM

could i have all of your tasmas if they are available?

taffy789 • 7 Jul 2010, 5:11 PM

what do you want for theavie?

opaquechastity_hope_center • 6 Jul 2010, 2:00 PM

All taken care of 😸

jhanterre • 6 Jul 2010, 12:18 PM

That will make one less egg/creature for you to have to find a home for. 😊

jhanterre • 6 Jul 2010, 12:17 PM

Offering on the Tasmas on behalf of my Aunt Corindia. Would it be possible to put lots 18130378 and 18130220 together?

opaquechastity_hope_center • 5 Jul 2010, 11:16 PM

All fed. Any eggs that you want me to take, I will.

lilacblack • 4 Jul 2010, 9:59 AM

hi what do tou want for the battyrus

3_love_for_death_3 • 2 Jul 2010, 2:48 PM

Offered On Both Tasma Lots Please Except.

3_love_for_death_3 • 2 Jul 2010, 2:46 PM

Could I Adopt SOme Tasmas? Ans Diablos?

mystic_wolf • 1 Jul 2010, 9:48 PM

I talk too much. X_X

mystic_wolf • 1 Jul 2010, 9:48 PM

one redone. So two trades of Tasmas, and a third trade with Tasma, Horsca, Unhemn, and 2 Battyrus. If that works for you. 😊

mystic_wolf • 1 Jul 2010, 9:46 PM

that auction then accept all of them. Does that make sense? Actually I'm going to go unbid all the trades right now so you can get that last

mystic_wolf • 1 Jul 2010, 9:46 PM

accept any of my offers yet and cancel the smallest auction and add the Horsca to it. Then let me bid on that auction. After I've rebid on

mystic_wolf • 1 Jul 2010, 9:45 PM

Hi. Cori's hubby here. I offered on your Tasma lots. I'm also interested in your Horsca, but the only way I can take it in is if you don't

starltiana • 1 Jul 2010, 10:27 AM

New trades coming up

starltiana • 30 Jun 2010, 5:09 PM

I'll think about it 😊

raltaquile12 • 30 Jun 2010, 5:06 PM

can i please have Roseavina?

starltiana • 30 Jun 2010, 4:56 PM

I may not be able to take care of my eggs anymore... I've kinda lost interest :/ just post here and tell me which one you want. 😊