Wall: trish

qwertyuiop • 11 Dec 2010, 10:33 PM

Fed list back!

furfur • 11 Dec 2010, 6:06 PM

Fed all but LightDance and Morri πŸ˜ƒ

lady_dreamwyn • 11 Dec 2010, 1:55 PM

Fed all. 😊

phoenix • 11 Dec 2010, 1:40 PM

Fed back πŸ˜ƒ
Thanks for feeding mine ^^

space • 10 Dec 2010, 9:45 PM

Sure thing! *Feeds List*

lexine • 10 Dec 2010, 3:42 PM

Here you go - http://www.eggcave.com/trades/viewoffers/18158555

lexine • 10 Dec 2010, 6:49 AM

I mean I could buy the cash shop pet which is available now.

capella • 7 Dec 2010, 2:33 PM

Fed 40!

nvr4evr1 • 7 Dec 2010, 7:02 AM

Yes, you did tell me. 😊

dewpaw • 7 Dec 2010, 1:01 AM

Well I would love to have beetee but I already have WiressπŸ˜‹ someone gave her to me already😊 what do u want 4 him?

furfur • 6 Dec 2010, 12:07 AM

I emailed you, sorry if I took to long...

asa • 5 Dec 2010, 6:46 PM

ahh ok, I emailed yoou. 😊

trish • 5 Dec 2010, 3:05 AM

Wow I have 6 Treelars!! xD NONE ARE UFT.

dewpaw • 5 Dec 2010, 12:50 AM


rileytibbles • 4 Dec 2010, 8:21 PM

tine uft???

dewpaw • 4 Dec 2010, 8:03 PM

I heard you r doing a secret santa and I would like 2 join if it isn't in real life

spice • 4 Dec 2010, 7:29 PM

Heeeellllpppp!!!!!I got a Mo today and now she is gone!!!AAAHHH!!!

spice • 4 Dec 2010, 7:26 PM

Oh, i know.That's who you told me before.😊

spice • 4 Dec 2010, 7:00 PM


smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 5:09 PM

Um..... Did you make a mistake AGAIN or was that comment a mistake? πŸ˜‹ πŸ˜‹ πŸ˜‹ xD

nvr4evr1 • 4 Dec 2010, 5:07 PM

Could you ask people to put up wishlists for the Secret Santa like I did? πŸ˜‹

astro2468 • 4 Dec 2010, 4:58 PM

fed feat can u feed back

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 4:48 PM

they can be online so you can tell and they can delete 😸 Oh, and delete the previous comments. Or keep them to confuse 😈 JK

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 4:47 PM

Just redraw, copy and paste the list onto a document like TextEdit, save, ask all the users (excepting me, cause you can email πŸ˜‹) what time

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 4:44 PM

It doesn't need to be emails, but you have to make sure THAT THEY ARE ONLINE AT THE TIME SO THEY CAN DELETE IT AND OTHERS DON'T SEE IT! O_o

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 4:42 PM

Look at your list and see who she's meant to get a prez for then. Make sure you sent the emails to the right users πŸ˜‹

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 4:39 PM

Um isn't she on your list?

isis • 4 Dec 2010, 3:48 PM

Hi trish! Smilies told me about the secret santa draw, can you already tell me who I'll have to give a present? 😸

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 3:47 PM

That should be fine πŸ˜‹ Oh, I was gonna say tell everyone to make it easier by doing something like what i did on my wish list? 😊

smilies • 4 Dec 2010, 3:34 PM

Did you use the hat thing? Make a little chart with a list like:
T=>M M=>R R=>L L=>P P=>Q Q=>T and you can't go wrong. Alw