Here, we will explain the various availabilities of species.
All creatures are obtainable through trading and auctions. Sometimes retired species are released again multiple times.
One file in the Archives reveals information about the Mariyd. You read carefully to learn about this creature and obtain more knowledge about the mysterious species of Ark.
Available Dec 1 - Dec 31, 2020.
21.6 kg
2.2 m
Cash Shop Park
Feminine 85% female, 10% male, 5% non-binary
Fairy World
#908 of 1119
Mariyd eggs appear only at dusk on some of the longest nights of the year. Mariyd eggs are incredibly light and make a faint chiming sound.
Mariyds are mischievous creatures that delight in trickery and non-malicious chaos. A Mariyd can be distracted from causing mayhem with riddles and song. If one can defeat a Mariyd in one of these battles of wills the creature will move on to a new area. However if you lose to a Mariyd be prepared for it to ransack your house while consuming any sweets and drinks it finds.