Site Blog

Write For The Lepragon

March 10, 2021 at 12:00 AM

Write For The Lepragon

This year's brand-new Dragold's Den prize is the Lepragon, generously designed by @prairie. You can receive the first of its kind when it's released on March 17 as part of our annual Dragold's Den celebrations by writing the winning creature description in the Creature Description Writing Contest. Be sure to have you entries in before the 16th because we'll be choosing in advance of the release on the 17th.

We look forward to receiving your CDWC entries! 3, 2, 1... write!

Dragold's Den Returns On The 17th

Our annual St. Patrick's Day celebrations begin on March 17th. Stay tuned!

April 2021's Unvaulted Creatures Will Be...

April 2021's unvaulted creatures will be the Abrillion, Flufur, and Rie—last seen in 2012. Their prices will be 1500, 1800, and 1000 CaveCash respectively.

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