Ecolia the Pachuma

69 of 302
0% Happy
24 Apr 2016
10 May 2017
21,708 +1
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About Pachuma Eggs

Pachuma eggs are made up of the perfect balance of the elements Earth and Water. This balance is so perfect that many Pachuma eggs have a flowering vine growing from them. This vine in no way harms the developing Pachuma within. In fact the health of the vine can be an indicator of the health of the egg.

About the Pachuma Creature

Pachumas have a deep connection with the elements of Earth and Water. This connection allows them sense and heal sickness in the earth around them.

Pachuma tend to be solitary creatures, preferring to live in and care for small territories on their own. However in times of blight and disaster Pachumas will come together to help heal the land.